Restart Services using Tomcat Manager
To log into the Tomcat Manager, type http://<webclient
hostname>:8090/manager/html in a compatible web browser.
Note: If Tomcat Manager does not run on port 8090, then to find the port details, refer the WebClient-Ports.txt located in C:\Program Files\GE Digital\PlantApplicationsWebClient\WebClient-Ports.txt.
Enter the username and password.
When an application or a service encounters any errors, you can restart the services manually in the following order:
Serial No Service Name 1 usersettingsservice 2 mes 3 productservice 4 securityservice 5 accesscontrolservice 6 propertydefinitionservice 7 assignmentservice 8 laborservice 9 externalconfigservice 10 commentservice 11 esignatureservice 12 alarm-service 13 reasonservice 14 activitiesservice 15 processorderservice 16 timebookingservice 17 downtimeservice 18 wastemanagementservice 19 mymachinesservice 20 propertydefinitionappservice 21 segmentdefinition 22 route-service 23 mesdataservice 24 approvalcockpitservice 25 ncmservice 26 erpschedulerservice 27 documentmanagementservice 28 workorder 29 externalconfigappservice 30 processanalyzer-app-service 31 activitiesappservice 32 alarm-app-service 33 esignatureappservice 34 productionmetrics-service 35 approvalcockpitappservice 36 commentappservice 37 downtime-app-service 38 erptransformationservice 39 erpexportservice 40 erpimportservice 41 historyservice 42 plantexecutionservice 43 ncmappservice 44 pa-mymachinesservice 45 operatorappservice 46 productionmetrics-app-service 47 productionschedulerappservice 48 rmsappservice 49 securityadministratorappservice 50 supervisorappservice 51 wastemanagementappservice 52 bommanagementappservice 53 receivinginspectionappservice 54 receivinginspectionservice 55 spcappservice 56 webgenealogyappservice 57 approvalcockpitservice 58 wastemanagementservice 59 operatorapplogservice 60 operatorlogservice 61 lineoverviewservice 62 lineoverviewappservice 63 autologservice 64 autologappservice