Resolve Apache CouchDb Certificate Error
About this task
When the Couchdb certificate is changed or renewed, then document-management-service reports PKIX path error. To resolve the certificate error, you must re-import the certificate to tomcat jre keystore.
- Note the location of the working couchdb public certificate (.crt) file.
- Navigate to the Web Client installation folder. The default installation path is C:\Program Files\GE Digital\PlantApplicationsWebClient.
- Access this file using an editor such as Notepad++ webclient install path>\ConfigurationFiles\import_cert_couchDB.ps1.
- Replace C:\Program Files\GE Digital\PlantApplicationsWebClient\CouchdbExportedCertificate-1.crt with path of new couchdb crt file, and then save it.
- Open the command prompt in an administrator's mode, and then navigate to the folder: webclient install path>\ConfigurationFiles.
Run the below command:
import_cert.bat import_cert_couchDB.ps1