About Importing Routes

A route can be imported using the Plant Applications ERP Scheduler service in one of two ways:
  • Export a Plant Applications route from a source system via the ERP Export service and use the JSON from the response as input to the ERP Scheduler service /importOrders/importRouteJobs (simpler).
  • Create a JSON route import document from a third-party system (more complex).
  • Imported routes can have a status of draft, released or archived only. Routes pending approval cannot be imported as the supporting workflow to complete the approval is not imported with the route.
  • To successfully import a route, all entities of the route must exist in the destination system. This includes:
    • Departments, lines and units
    • BOM formulations
    • Materials
    • Labor codes
    • Machine and people plans
    • Property definitions (exact GUID’s required in destination environment)
    • Documents
    • Data Entry Plan (to successfully import a data entry plan, variables must exist in the destination system)
  • Upon import, the BOM formulation must exist in the destination, but the BOM formulation items of the destination are not validated to exactly match the BOM formulation items of the source. The route will be imported based on the BOM items explicitly defined in the route versus the BOM items of the destination BOM formulation
  • Upon import, documents will reference the CouchDB URL of the destination Plant Applications configuration. Imported route documents are not validated on import. It is assumed the destination and source couchDB’s have replicated the required document. Replicating the documents ensures the document ID is maintained between CouchDB servers.