Exporting Reports

About Exporting Cost Benefit Analysis Report

You can export a Cost Benefit Analysis Report to a PDF or CSV file. When you export the report, only the section of the report that you are currently accessing. For example, if you access the Top 5 Cases section of the report, and then export it, the exported file will only contain the data of the Top 5 Cases section of the report.

Export Cost Benefit Analysis Report to PDF

About This Task

This topic provides the steps that you must perform to export a Cost Benefit Analysis Report to a PDF file. When you export the report to a PDF file, Predix Essentials exports the charts, tables, and all other information that is currently visible in the report to a PDF file.


  1. In the Cost Benefit Analysis Report, access the section that you want to export.
  2. In the Export drop-down list box, select As PDF.
    The section of the report is exported to a PDF file and the PDF file is downloaded to your local drive.

Export Cost Benefit Analysis Report to CSV

About This Task

This topic provides the steps that you must perform to export a Cost Benefit Analysis Report to a CSV file. When you export the report to a CSV file, Predix Essentials exports the tables and other information, except the charts, that is currently visible in the report to a CSV file.


  1. In the Cost Benefit Analysis Report, access the section that you want to export.
  2. In the Export drop-down list box, select As CSV.
    The section of the report is exported to a CSV file and the CSV file is downloaded to your local drive.