Cost Benefit Analysis Report for Assets

About the Cost Benefit Analysis Report for an Asset

The Cost Benefit Analysis Report for an asset enables you to analyze the cost avoided by resolving the cases that were created for the asset. You can specify the period for which you want to view the report in the header section of the page. The report provides the following information for the specified period:
  • The total number of cases created for the asset and the total cost saved by resolving these cases.
  • The avoided cost based on the asset breakup, cases, and the categories and closure codes of the cases.
  • Breakdown of the avoided cost for each case.
  • List of all the cases that were resolved for the asset, along with links to access the details of the cases.
  • List of the five highest cost saving cases of the asset.
The information in the report is presented using graphical elements such as charts and tables. This makes it convenient to analyze the information. The report is divided into the following sections to segregate the information for better analysis:

All monetary values in the report are displayed in the currency configured at the site level of the asset hierarchy and it appears in the Currency field in both the sections of the report.

For information on accessing the Cost Benefit Analysis Report for an asset, refer to the Access the Cost Benefit Analysis Report topic.

The following image shows an example of the Cost Benefit Analysis Report for an asset:

About the Total Cases & Avoided Cost Section

The Total cases & Avoided cost section in the Cost Benefit Analysis Report for an asset contains the following items:
Total cost avoided for the asset
This information appears in the Total Avoided cost for <Asset Name> (<Currency>) field at the top of the Total cases & Avoided cost section.
Bar chart displaying avoided cost
The bar chart appears in the View the Avoided cost based on section. This chart provides a graphical comparison between the number of cases and avoided cost for each case closure code and asset breakup. By default, the bar chart displays the data based on the closure codes of cases. However, you can select Asset Breakup to view the data based on the asset breakup.
Pie chart displaying Cost Benefit Analyses of cases
The pie chart appears in the View the CBA based on section. This chart provides a visual comparison between the proportions of cost avoided for each closure code and category of cases. By default, the pie chart displays the Cost Benefit Analysis data based on the closure codes of cases. However, you can select Case Category to view the data based on the case categories.
Table containing details and cost breakdown of all cases resolved for the asset
This table contains the case IDs, description, and closure code of all the cases that were resolved for the asset. Additionally, the table contains the breakdowns of the cost that was saved by resolving the cases, along with links to view the details of each case. The table contains the following columns:

About the Top 5 Cases Section

The Top 5 Cases section in the Cost Benefit Analysis Report for an asset contains the following:

Total cost avoided for the asset
This information appears in the Total Avoided cost for <Asset Name> (<Currency>) field at the top of the Top 5 Cases section.
Table containing details and cost breakdown of the five highest cost saving cases
This table contains the case IDs, description, and closure code of all the five highest cost saving cases that were resolved for the asset. Additionally, the table contains the breakdowns of the cost that was saved by resolving the cases, along with links to view the details of each case. The table contains the following columns: