Error Messages

A list of connection errors, their cause, and action to be taken.

These are some of the errors you may encounter when testing a data source connection:

Error Message Description
Test Connection Failed - Server not reachable. Cause: The hostname or the IP address of the server is incorrect.

Action: Enter the correct hostname or the IP address.

Test Connection Failed - Security mode or policy not supported. Cause: The selected security policy is not supported by the server.

Action: Select a security policy supported by the server.

Test Connection Failed - Authentication Failed. Cause: The user name or password to login to the sever is incorrect.

Action: Enter the correct user name or password.

Test Connection Failed - Server not trusted. Cause: The server certificate is not trusted by the Operations Hub client.

Action: To trust, access the untrusted server certificate, then select Trust. The server certificate gets copied to the Operations Hub trusted folder.

Test Connection Failed - Server doesn't trust this client. Cause: Operations Hub client certificate is not trusted by the server.

Action: Log in to the server, and add the Operations Hub client certificate to their trusted list.

Test Connection Failed - Certificate Uri is Invalid. Cause: The Application URI does not match with the URI in the certificate.

Action: Re-issue the security certificate.

Test Connection Failed - Connection limit on OPC UA server exceeded. Cause: You have exceeded the license limitation of clients on this server.

Action: Get a license issued for this client.

Test Connection Failed to connect the opcua endpoint. Cause: The endpoint url could be incorrect.

Action: Enter the correct endpoint URL in this format: opc.tcp://hostname:port.

Test Connection Failed - Fields are not filled properly. Cause: The information to establish a connection is either missing, or invalid.

Action: Enter the correct information.