About Troubleshooting
This topic contains information to help you troubleshoot issues.
To troubleshoot errors returned for OPC UA and Historian out-of-the-box (OOTB) queries, refer to Error Codes description.
To troubleshoot data source test connection errors, refer to Error Messages description.
Resolving Extension Query Error
If you do not have sufficient privileges to read or write operations, you may run into an error when attempting to execute the extension query in the end application. The error displays a generic message.
{"status":{"success":false,"code":9998,"reason":"Data distributor response: Write request failed: Fail"}}
) located at
C:\ProgramData\OphubLogs\DataDistributor displays the following
message:Failed to write to NodeId ns=2;s=Channel1.testr.ss on server urn:CHEWY:Intellution.IntellutionGatewayOPCServer:UA%20Server with OPC UA error BadUserAccessDenied. Connection to server failed.
To resolve this issue, validate your data source connection, and the credentials to connect to the data source. In the above example, you would need to check the OPC UA server.
Tags are Not Displayed with an OPC UA Data Source
If tags are not getting displayed when you browse your correctly configured OPC UA data source, you may have to restart the GE Operations Hub OPC UA Browse Service in your Services console to resolve this issue.