Configure MQTT Broker Settings

If you want to use an MQTT broker to connect to devices, you must configure the settings.

Before you begin

create a tenant.


  1. In the Site Administration Console page, select Server settings, and then select Mqtt settings.
  2. In the Select tenant to configure drop-down list box, select the tenant, and then select Continue.
    The Account Settings workspace appears.
  3. Enter values as specified in the following table, and then select Update.
    Cloud urlEnter the IP address or the URL of the MQTT broker that you want to use.
    Pull intervalEnter the time interval, in milliseconds, at which the Operations Hub MQTT client will connect to send or receive data. By default, it is set to 500 milliseconds.
    Use passwordSpecify if the MQTT broker requires a user name and password to connect. By default, the value in this field is false.
    PasswordIf you have selected true in the Use Password field, enter the password in this field.
    UserIf you have selected true in the Use password field, enter the user name in this field.
    QosSpecify the quality of service (QoS) of the MQTT broker by entering one of the following values:
    • 0: Indicates that the message is delivered at most once or it is not delivered at all.
    • 1: Indicates that the message is always delivered at least once.
    • 2: Indicates that the message is delivered once.
    PortThe port number of the MQTT broker. By default, the value in this field is 1883, which is the standard MQTT port number.


The MQTT broker settings are configured.