Task and Confirmation Generation Workflow
EAM Work Management: Task and Confirmation Generation Workflow
Work Management Integration workflows manage the collection of detailed condition assessment data like inspections and calibrations, while accounting for resources and costs on orders in the EAM system. The Task & Confirmation Generation workflow documents the approach where the schedule is managed in SAP. The Work Management Interface program creates task records in APM. Each of these will contain information about the EAM maintenance plan, item, task list, work order, and operation from which it was created.
Create SAP Maintenance Plan
Persona: Solution Administrator (EAM)
This workflow assumes that the required configuration is in place to set tasks to a control key. In SAP, create a maintenance plan that contains a maintenance item, task list, and at least one operation. One of the operations must meet the criteria in the task configuration table.
Work Management Job Run
Persona: APM
When the Work Management Job is run, an Inspection Task record is created for each configured operation. This task record now has field values containing identifying information about the maintenance plan, maintenance item, task list, and the operation. The Inspection record must be linked to the Equipment record representing the asset in SAP.
Schedule the Work Order from Maintenance Plan
Persona: Solution Administrator (EAM)
Schedule the maintenance plan. Then, the system generates a work order for it, and the work order is released.
Work Management Job Run
Persona: APM
When the Work Management job is run, the Inspection Task record is updated with information about the maintenance plan, maintenance item, task list, and operation.
Create Inspection Record from Equipment
Persona: Technician
An inspection is entered for the equipment and task used in this example. This can be from many of the inspection event families, such as Full Inspection.
Complete and Close the Event Record
Persona: Technician
When actual work hours are entered for the inspection and it is marked closed, a Confirmation record is automatically created in APM, and a corresponding time confirmation is automatically entered for the work order in SAP. The work order number is also automatically removed from the Inspection Task record.
Confirmation Created in EAM
Persona: APM
A corresponding time confirmation for the work order is created in SAP. The work order number is also automatically removed from the Inspection Task record.