Log Entries

Access a Log Entry from the eLog Overview Page


  1. Access the eLog Overview page.
  2. Select the All Log Entries tab.

    A table appears with the log entries.

  3. In the Headline column, select the link in the row that contains the log entry that you want to access.
    The Shift Log workspace appears, displaying the log entry.
    Note: The log entries that were created between the midnight of the day when the selected log entry was created and that of the next day (inclusive) also appear in the workspace.

    Note: To access the log entries for a different period and for a different Shift of the Functional Location whose log entry you have accessed, select . In the Filter By Date Range window that appears, modify the values in the From, To, and In boxes as needed, and then select Apply.

Access Log Entries from the Shift Summary Page


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift whose log entries you want to access.
  2. Select the Shift Log tab.

    The log entries that were created between the midnight of the current day and that of the next day (inclusive) appear for the Shift.

    Note: To access the log entries for a different period and for a different Shift of the Functional Location whose log entry you have accessed, select . In the Filter By Date Range window that appears, modify the values in the From, To, and In boxes as needed, and then select Apply.

Modify a Log Entry

About This Task

This topic describes how to modify a log entry, which can be a general log entry or a generation event log entry.

Before You Begin

  • Sign in to the Shift that contains the log entry that you want to modify.
    • You can modify a log entry only if it was created in that occurrence of the Shift to which you have signed in.
    • You can modify a log entry only if you belong to either the MI eLog Administrator Security Group or the MI eLog Contributor Security Group.


  1. Access the log entry that you want to modify, from the eLog Overview page or the Shift Summary page.
  2. In the Shift Log workspace, select Edit next to the log entry that you want to modify.
    Note: The Edit button is visible only if the administrator has enabled the edit feature in eLog Application Settings. For more information, refer to the Configure Editing of Shift Log Entries topic.
    The Edit Log Entry window appears.
  3. As needed, modify the values in the available fields, and then select .
    The changes are saved.
    Note: To view the history of the Log Text field, select Show History next to the corresponding log entry in the Shift Log workspace.

Add a Comment to a Log Entry

Before You Begin

  • Sign in to the Shift that contains the log entry to which you want to add a comment.
    Important: You can add a comment to a log entry only if you belong to either the MI eLog Administrator Security Group or the MI eLog Contributor Security Group.


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift that contains the log entry to which you want to add a comment.
  2. Select the Shift Log tab.

    The log entries for the Shift appear.

  3. Select next to the log entry to which you want to add a comment.

    The Comment window appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select Add.
    The comment is added to the log entry.
    Tip: You can add multiple comments to a log entry. To access all the comments for a log entry, select the Comments link in the log entry.

Create a Log Entry

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a log entry, which can be a general log entry or a generation event log entry.

Before You Begin

  • Sign in to the Shift for which you want to create a log entry.
    Important: You can create a log entry only if you belong to either the MI eLog Administrator Security Group or the MI eLog Contributor Security Group.


  1. Access the Shift Log workspace for the Shift for which you want to create a log entry.
  2. Select , and then select the option eLog General Entry or eLog Generation Event, as needed.

    The New Log Entry window appears.

    Note: This window appears when you select the eLog General Entry option.
  3. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  4. Select .
    The log entry is created. It appears in the Shift Log workspace with the following information:
    • Created by
    • Log Entry Type
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Shift Name
    • Headline
    • Assigned to
    • Log Text

Create a Simple Log Entry

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a simple log entry.

Before You Begin

  • Sign in to the Shift for which you want to create a simple log entry.
    Important: You can create a simple log entry only if you belong to either the MI eLog Administrator Security Group or the MI eLog Contributor Security Group.


  1. Access the Shift Log workspace for the Shift for which you want to create a simple log entry.
  2. Select , and then enter the log text.
  3. Select Add.
    The simple log entry is created. It appears in the Shift Log workspace with the following information:
    • Created by
    • Log Entry Type
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Shift Name
    • Log Text
    • You can modify the log text by selecting Edit next to the simple log entry.
    • You can add a comment by selecting Comment next to the simple log entry.

Create an Event for a Log Entry

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Primary Event for a generation event log entry.
Note: You can create only one Primary Event for a generation event log entry.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that your Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) license is active.
  • Ensure that you belong to the MI GAA Administrator or MI GAA Analyst Security Group.
    Note: For more information, refer to the GAA Security Groups topic in the General Reference section of the Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) documentation.
  • Create a generation event log entry.


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift that contains the generation event log entry for which you want to create a Primary Event.
  2. Select the Shift Log tab.

    The log entries for the Shift appear.

  3. Select next to the generation event log entry for which you want to create a Primary Event.

    The Edit Log Entry window appears.

  4. Select , and then select Create Primary Events, followed by the Create Event option.

    The datasheet of the Primary Event appears in a new tab.

  5. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
    Note: For more information about the available fields, refer to the Event Records topic in the Family Field Descriptions section of the GAA documentation.
  6. Select .

    The Primary Event is created.


The new Primary Event appears in:
  • The Associated Event Id box in the generation event log entry, as a link.
    Note: You can select the link to access the Primary Event.
  • The Events Under Review section in the Generation Availability Analysis page, in the GAA module.
  • The Events workspace in the Unit Summary page for the Unit associated with the Primary Event, in the GAA module.