IRDB Configuration Examples

Functional Location

About This Task

An end user is recommended to have a custom field in SAP extracted and added to a custom field in APM. Details on SAP and APM families are as follows:

  • SAP Table Name: IFLOT
  • SAP Field Name: ERNAM
  • APM Family Name: MI_FLOC00
  • APM Field Name: CC_CREATED_BY

To update the interface, the following steps need to be followed:


  1. Update the autoextractor_control table
    1. Schema definition needs to be added to the extract_schema_definition field for batch name “Functional_Location_Step_1”. This can be done by appending “IFLOT|ERNAM” to the end of the extract_schema_definition.
  2. Update the autoloader_control table
    1. Duplicate the row for batch_name=”Functional_Location_Step_1”
    2. In the new row, update:
      1. table_name to a unique value (CUSTOM_FLOC)
      2. jobname to IR_Custom_Loader
  3. Update the autojoin_control table
    1. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=”Functional_Location” and table_name=”MI_FNLOC00”:
      1. Select the new field (IFLOT|ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_FLOC" on “IFLOT|TPLNR.” =” MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C”


About This Task

An end user is recommended to have a custom field in SAP extracted and added to a custom field in APM. Details on SAP and APM families are as follows:

  • SAP Table Name: EQUI
  • SAP Field Name: ERNAM
  • APM Family Name: MI_EQUIP000
  • APM Field Name: CC_CREATED_BY

To update the interface, the following steps need to be followed:


  1. Update the autoextractor_control table
    1. Schema definition needs to be added to the extract_schema_definition field for batch name “Equipment_Step_1”. This can be done by appending “EQUI|ERNAM” to the end of the extract_schema_definition.
  2. Update the autoloader_control table
    1. Duplicate the row for batch_name=”Equipment_Step_1”
    2. In the new row, update:
      1. table_name to a unique value (CUSTOM_EQUI)
      2. jobname to IR_Custom_Loader
  3. Update the autojoin_control table
    1. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=”Equipment” and table_name=” MI_EQUIP000”:
      1. Select the new field (EQUI|ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_EQUI" on “EQUI|EQUNR.” =” MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C”

Work History

About This Task

An end user is recommended to have a custom field in SAP extracted and added to a custom field in APM. Details on SAP and APM families are as follows:

  • SAP Table Name: VIQMEL
  • SAP Field Name: ERNAM
  • APM Family Name: MI_EVWKHIST
  • APM Field Name: CC_CREATED_BY

To update the interface, the following steps need to be followed:


  1. Update the autoextractor_control table
    1. Schema definition needs to be added to the extract_schema_definition field for batch name “WORKHISTORY_STEP_1”. This can be done by appending “VIQMEL|ERNAM” to the end of the extract_schema_definition.
  2. Update the autoloader_control table
    1. Duplicate the row for batch_name=” WORKHISTORY_STEP_1”
    2. In the new row, update:
      1. table_name to a unique value (CUSTOM_WH)
      2. jobname to IR_Custom_Loader
  3. Update the autojoin_control table
    1. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=” WORKHISTORY” and table_name=”WorkHistory”:
      1. Select the new field (VIQMEL|ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_WH" on “VIQMEL|QMNAM.” =” MI_EVWKHIST_RQST_ID_C”

Work Management Interface

An end user is recommended to have a custom field in SAP extracted and added to a custom field in APM. Details on SAP and APM families are as follows:
  • SAP Table Name: VIMPLA
  • SAP Field Name: ERNAM
  • APM Family Name: MI_TASKINSP
  • APM Field Name: CC_CREATED_BY

Inspection Task

About This Task

To update the interface, the following steps need to be followed for inspection tasks:


  1. Update the autoextractor_control table
    1. Schema definition needs to be added to the extract_schema_definition field for batch name “WMI_STEP_2”. This can be done by appending “VIMPLA L|ERNAM” to the end of the extract_schema_definition.
  2. Update the autoloader_control table
    1. Duplicate the row for batch_name=” WMI_STEP_2”
    2. In the new row, update:
      1. table_name to a unique value (CUSTOM_WMI_INSP)
      2. jobname to IR_Custom_Loader
  3. Update the autojoin_control table
    1. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=”WMI” and table_name=” EQUIP_INSPECTION_TASK”:
      1. Select the new field (VIMPLA |ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_WMI_INSP" on “VIMPLA|WARPL.” =” MI_TASK_MAINT_PLAN_NBR_C”
    2. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=”WMI” and table_name=” FLOC_INSPECTION_TASK”
      1. Select the new field (VIMPLA |ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_WMI_INSP" on “VIMPLA|WARPL.” =” MI_TASK_MAINT_PLAN_NBR_C”

Calibration Task

About This Task

To update the interface, the following steps need to be followed for calibration tasks:


  1. Update the autoextractor_control table
    1. Schema definition needs to be added to the extract_schema_definition field for batch name “WMI_STEP_3”. This can be done by appending “VIMPLA L|ERNAM” to the end of the extract_schema_definition.
  2. Update the autoloader_control table
    1. Duplicate the row for batch_name=” WMI_STEP_3”
    2. In the new row, update:
      1. table_name to a unique value (CUSTOM_WMI_CAL)
      2. jobname to IR_Custom_Loader
  3. Update the autojoin_control table
    1. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=”WMI” and table_name=” EQUIP_CALIBRATION_TASK”:
      1. Select the new field (VIMPLA |ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_WMI_CAL" on “VIMPLA|WARPL.” =” MI_TASK_MAINT_PLAN_NBR_C”
    2. To update the sql field in the row where batch_name=”WMI” and table_name=” FLOC_CALIBRATION_TASK”:
      1. Select the new field (VIMPLA |ERNAM as CC_CREATED_BY)
      2. Add a left autojoin to include the custom table included in step 2, i.e., left outer join "CUSTOM_WMI_CAL" on “VIMPLA|WARPL.” =” MI_TASK_MAINT_PLAN_NBR_C”


About This Task

You must creare a custom field extracted from APM into the SAP Coding Code. Details on SAP and APM families are outlined below:
  • APM Field Name: MI_REC_CODING
  • SAP Target Field Name: CODING

To perform updates:


  1. Access the southbound_mapping_control table.
  2. Modify the apm_family_name field to MI_REC_CODING where target_field_name is CODING.
  3. Set the mapping_enabled Boolean to True.