PRD Components
About Pressure Relief Devices (PRD)
A pressure relief device (PRD) is a device that protects asset or RBI Components from pressure buildup. In RBI, you will store information about PRDs in records belonging to subfamilies of the PRD Components family.
Specifically, RBI supports the use of the following types of PRDs:
- Pressure relief valves (stored in Criticality Calculator PRD Component - Relief Valve records)
- Rupture disks (stored in Criticality Calculator PRD Component - Rupture Disk records)
About Identifying Protected Asset or RBI Components
After you have created a PRD Component to identify a pressure relief device (PRD), you can identify the asset or RBI Components that the PRD protects.
A PRD can protect either an asset or RBI Components, but not both.
- If a PRD protects an asset, it can protect one or many pieces of an asset.
- If a PRD protects RBI Components, it can protect one or many RBI Components.
- A single piece of an asset can be protected by multiple PRDs.
- A single RBI Component can be protected by multiple PRDs.
- If you identify a new protected asset or RBI Component for a PRD for which an RBI PRD Analysis already exists, the existing RBI PRD Analysis will become invalid. You will need to create a new RBI PRD Analysis to account for the new protected asset or RBI Component.
About Integration with Thickness Monitoring (TM)
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
About Using TM Analysis Values at the Asset Level
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
About Using TM Analysis Values at the Thickness Monitoring Location (TML) Group Level
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
Access a PRD Component
About This Task
Create a PRD Component
About This Task
- The PRD Component inherits linked Potential Degradation Mechanisms from the RBI Corrosion Loop.
What To Do Next
Link PRD Components to an RBI Corrosion Loop
About This Task
The PDMs that are linked to the Corrosion Loop are linked to the PRD Components, in addition to the ones that are directly linked to the component.
What To Do Next
Unlink a PRD Component from an RBI Corrosion Loop
About This Task
Link a Protected RBI Component to a PRD Component
Unlink a Protected RBI Component from a PRD Component
Link Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDMs) to a PRD Component
About This Task
This topic describes how to link one or more PDMs to a PRD Component. You cannot create PDMs; you can only link them. Therefore, a PDM must already exist to be linked to a PRD Component.
What To Do Next
Unlink a Potential Degradation Mechanism (PDM) from a PRD Component
About This Task
Apply a PRD Component
About This Task
What To Do Next
Duplicate an RBI PRD Criticality Analysis
About This Task
- A new RBI PRD Criticality Analysis is created with all input fields from the original analysis.Note: If the input field Next Inspection Date is before the current date when copying then the field will not be copied.
- A copy of the DMs that you have selected are created and linked to the duplicated analysis.
- If you have selected the Copy Recommendations for Degradation Mechanisms check box:
- Related Recommendations are copied and linked to the duplicated analysis.
- Output fields, in addition to input fields from the original analysis are copied.