RBI Tree

Overview of the RBI Tree

The RBI Tree provides a way to interact with and access the RBI Process Units or the RBI Assets and their records in the Risk Based Inspection module.

The RBI Tree displays records in the database and how they are related to one another. It provides a dynamic view of the Process Units, RBI Assets, RBI Components, and the corresponding RBI Analyses.

About the RBI Tree

The RBI Tree is available on the left side of the RBI Asset workspace or the RBI Process Unit workspace. The RBI Tree is designed to streamline navigation and display relevant information for each level that is selected in the tree.

About RBI Tree Navigation

The RBI Tree allows you to browse RBI records in the Unit view or Asset view. You can select the RBI Process Unit, or the RBI Asset as needed.

RBI Unit View

In the RBI Unit view, if the Process Unit contains one or more linked Corrosion Loops, then the RBI tree displays the records as follows:
  • Process Unit
    • Corrosion Loop
      • RBI Component
        • RBI Analysis (RBI 580 or RBI 581)
      • PRD Component
        • Protected RBI Component
        • Protected Asset
        • PRD Analysis
If the Process Unit does not contain any linked Corrosion Loops, then the RBI tree displays the records as follows:
  • Process Unit
    • RBI Asset
      • RBI Component
        • RBI Analysis (RBI 580 or RBI 581)
      • PRD Component
        • Protected RBI Component
        • Protected Asset
        • PRD Analysis
Note: The Asset view of the Process Unit Tree displays only the RBI Assets that contain one or more linked RBI Components by default. To view all assets, select the Show All Assets filter option.

RBI Asset View

In the RBI Asset view, the RBI tree displays the records as follows.
  • RBI Asset
    • RBI Component
      • RBI Analysis (RBI 580 or RBI 581)
    • PRD Component
      • Protected RBI Component
      • Protected Asset
      • PRD Analysis
Note: If the Component is linked to both an Asset and a Process Unit, you can switch between the RBI Unit view and the RBI Asset view.
Note: If the RBI Corrosion Loop or RBI Asset has related PRD (Pressure Relief Device) Components, then the RBI tree also displays the related Protected RBI Component, Protected Asset, and PRD Analysis.


To avail more screen space, you can select and collapse the tree.

About RBI Tree Elements

The RBI objects in the RBI tree are represented by the following icons.

RBI ObjectIcon
Process Unit
Corrosion Loop
Active Component
Inactive Component
Protected Component
Protected Asset
Active Analysis
Archived Analysis
Inactive Analysis

About Searching and Filtering Records in the RBI Tree

You can search and apply a filter to the records displayed in the RBI tree. When you apply a search or a filter, the tree is automatically updated to reflect the records that match the search or filter criteria.

Note: The new search or filter criteria does not change the display of the current record selected and all the related parents in the RBI tree.

Search for Records in the RBI Tree

When you search the records in the RBI Tree, the results include only records with an Entity ID that matches the search term. The search results display both the parent nodes and associated child nodes, if any.

Filter Records in the RBI Tree

The filter options in the RBI Tree are not selected by default.

Filter OptionsDescription
Include ArchivedAnalyses in the Archived state are included in the tree.
Latest CreatedOnly the latest analysis in the Created state are included beneath each Component.
Include What-IfWhat-If analyses are included in the tree.
Show All AssetsThe tree reloads with all assets linked to a Process Unit, regardless of whether the Asset contain any linked RBI Components.
Note: The filter option is only available on the Corrosion Loop View of the Process Unit Tree.

Actions Available in the RBI Tree

The RBI Tree provides a set of actions that you can perform based on your selection in the tree.

The action buttons that are displayed is based on the type of record currently selected, state of the record, and the user permissions.

The following actions are available when a user selects a record in the RBI Tree.

Current Selection in RBI TreeActions AvailableComments
AllCollapse Navigation Tree Always Available.
AssetCreate New Component None.
Delete Always disabled.
Note: You cannot delete Assets through the RBI Workflow.
ComponentCreate an RBI 580 or RBI 581 Analysis The selection appears based on the RBI license.
  • PRD Components and Pipeline Segments have RBI 580 as the only option.
  • You cannot create an RBI Analysis for an inactive component.
Apply an RBI Component The selection enables you to apply an RBI component.
Unlink This option is available only on the tree for the Process Units.
InactivateThis option is available only on the tree in the Asset Summary workspace.
Note: You cannot reactivate a component.
Delete None.
Open in Corrosion Loop View /Open in Asset View This option is available only if the Component is linked to both an Asset and a Corrosion Loop.
PRD ComponentLink Protected Assets This option is available only if the PRD Component has no related protected RBI Components.
Link Protected Components This option is available only if the PRD Component has no related Protected Assets.
RBI AnalysisDuplicate Analysis None.
Apply Analysis None.
Create What-If Analysis None.
Delete None.
Process UnitCreate New Corrosion Loop None.
Link Existing Corrosion Loop None.
Delete Always disabled.
Note: You cannot delete Process Units through the RBI Workflow.
Corrosion LoopCreate New Component None.
Link Existing Component None.
Unlink None.
Delete None.
Protected ComponentUnlink None.
Delete Always disabled.
Note: To Delete a Component that is protected by a Pressure Relief Device, load the Asset or Process Unit it is directly linked to.
Open in Corrosion Loop View /Open in Asset View This option is available only if the Component is linked to both an Asset and a Corrosion Loop.
Protected AssetUnlink None.
Delete Always disabled.
Note: You cannot delete Assets through the RBI Workflow.
Protected AnalysisDelete Always disabled.
Note: To Delete an Analysis of a component that is protected by a Pressure Relief Device, load the Component in the Asset it is directly linked to.