Driver/OPC UA Settings


The TCP port on which the MTConnect OPC UA server is listening for connection requests of the OPC UA clients. The default port is 48031. The default port number is set during the MTConnect setup.

You can change the default value here. Make sure that the new port number is not yet used by another program/service!

  • Network Address

    The DNS name or IP address for the machine where the MTConnect OPC UA Server is running. This address represents how OPC UA clients try to locate the MTConnect OPC UA Server.

  • Logical Host Name

    The logical name for the machine where the MTConnect OPC UA Server is running. The value of this field is the 2nd part of the Application URI. With any change in this field the Application URI will be updated automatically

  • Organization Name

    The name of the organization that is deploying the MTConnect OPC UA Server. The value of this field is the 3rd part of the Application URI. With any change in this field the Application URI will be updated automatically

  • Instance Name

    A unique name for the application instance of the MTConnect OPC UA Server. The value of this field is the 5th part of the Application URI. With any change in this field the Application URI will be updated automatically.

  • Endpoint URL

    The network endpoint which OPC UA clients use to communicate with the MTConnect OPC UA Server.

    This field is read-only. It is a concatenation of the fixed prefix "opc.tcp" the Logical Host Name and the configured Port number.

  • Application URI

    A unique identifier for the MTConnect OPC UA Server.

    This field is read-only. It is a concatenation of the fixed prefix "urn" the Logical Host Name, the Organization Name, the (fixed) Product Name and the Instance Name.

  • Application Name

    The name of the MTConnect OPC UA Server application. This name appears when OPC UA clients browse for MTConnect OPC UA Servers on a network.

    This field is read-only. It is a concatenation of the Instance Name and the Logical Host Name.

OPC UA Privacy and Integrity Settings

  • Allow communication with no security

    Not recommended as it does not use a certificate to secure communications between client and server. For use only in a non-production environment.

  • Allow secure communication with data privacy

    If selected, ensures all traffic is kept private and that clients are authenticated.

  • Allow secure communication without data privacy

    If enabled, all network traffic is visible to eavesdroppers. However, clients can be authenticated.

OPC UA Security Policies Settings

  • Basic256Sha256

    This policy is acceptable and more likely to be supported by older applications.

  • Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep

    This policy offers good security and is faster than the most secure policies; however, older applications will not support it. The current version of this OPC UA Server doesn't support this policy.

  • Aes256-Sha256-RsPss

    This policy is the most secure available; however, older applications will not support it. The current version of this OPC UA Server doesn't support this policy.

  • Basic256

    This policy has theoretical problems and is not recommended.

  • Basic128Rsa15

    This policy has known vulnerabilities and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.