Access a Route for Data Collection

This topic describes how to access a Route from the RDC Overview page.

Note: If you are using the GE Digital APM mobile application on a device that supports barcode scanning, you can also access the Route by scanning the barcode of the asset or location.


  1. Access the RDC Overview page.

  2. Depending on whether the Route that you want to access is overdue or due, select one of the following tabs:

    A list of Routes appears.

    The Overduw Items section

    Note: The icon (blue color) next to a Route's name indicates that the Route is available for offline access. The icon indicates that the Route is synchronizing with the GE Digital APM database and you cannot open the Route until the synchronization is complete.

  3. Select the Route that you want to access.

    The Route appears.

    The Route page

In the Route Map pane, assets appear in blue tabs, and checkpoints appear in gray tabs. On the right side of the page, the workspace for the selected tab appears. The workspace for a checkpoint includes boxes in which you can enter readings as well as the following sections:

Hint: You can select the Asset ID at the top of the workspace to open the health summary information for the asset in Asset Health Manager.

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