About Offline Access

The Rounds Data Collection module includes the capability for you to complete Routes when the device you are using is in an offline, or disconnected, state. This allows those working in the field to use the mobile application to complete downloaded Routes without being connected to a wireless network.

If you want to access a Route while disconnected from a network, you must enable offline access for the Route in order to download the Route information to your device's internal storage. Once this is done, you can enter readings, create recommendations, and mark a Route done while the device is disconnected from a network. Then, when your device is reconnected to a network, the recorded data is synchronized automatically with the GE Digital APM database.

The Download Horizon and Sync Interval device settings affect the amount of data that is downloaded to a device and the frequency at which it is synchronized with the  database. An administrative user may specify default values for these device settings in the Application Settings for Rounds, and individual users may modify these values via the Device Settings window in Rounds Data Collection if necessary.

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