Deploy Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) for the First Time

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic GE Digital APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

Note: If you are deploying this module in APM Now, before you begin completing these tasks, review the system requirements for this module to identify the supported features for this module in APM Now. Unless noted, all deployment tasks in the following table are applicable for the deployment of this module in APM Now.

Step Task Notes

Review the Generation Availability Analysis data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment and location families. Via Configuration Manager, modify the relationship definitions as needed.

This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.

2 Assign Security Users to one or more of the GAA Security Groups and Roles. This step is required. Users must have permissions to the GAA families to use the GAA functionality.

Specify additional system codes for families available in GAA.

By default, GE Digital APM provides a set of system codes for the families available in GAA. You can modify these default system codes or you can add new system codes.

4 Add a GAA Company.

This step is required. You must define the GAA Company to represent the functional location that you want to use in GAA. You must add a GAA Company at the highest level in the functional location, followed by GAA Plant and GAA Unit at the next subsequent levels.

You must define GAA Company, GAA Plant, and GAA Unit before you can start recording event data. GAA Company is stored in a GAA Company record.

You will need to repeat this step whenever you want to record data about any company that has not yet been identified within your system. Each GAA Company, however, can be associated with only one Hierarchy Level and vice-versa.

5 Add a GAA Plant.

This step is required. You must define the GAA Plant to represent the functional location that you want to use in GAA. You must add a GAA Plant at the level next to GAA Company in the functional location, followed by GAA Unit at the next subsequent levels.

You must define a GAA Company before defining a GAA Plant, and a GAA Plant before defining a GAA Unit. GAA Plant is stored in a GAA Plant record.

You will need to repeat this step whenever you want to record data about any plant that has not yet been identified within your system. Each GAA Plant, however, can be associated with only one Hierarchy Level and vice-versa.

6 Add a GAA Unit.

This step is required. You must define the GAA Unit to represent the functional location that you want to use in GAA. You must add a GAA Unit at the level next to GAA Plant in the functional location.

You must define a GAA Unit after defining a GAA Company and a GAA Plant. GAA Unit is stored in a GAA Unit record.

You will need to repeat this step whenever you want to record data about any unit that has not yet been identified within your system. Each GAA Unit, however, can be associated with only one functional location and vice-versa.

7 Verify GAA Unit Capacity.

This step is required. When you add a GAA Unit record, a Unit Capacity record is automatically created with the values defined in the capacity related fields in the GAA Unit record. You must verify these values. As needed, you can modify the values in the available fields.

8 Configure GAA Reports. This step is required. You must configure the reports that you want to appear for a GAA Unit.

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