GAA Unit Records

GAA Unit records store information about the fields that are defined for the GAA Unit family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the GAA Unit family and appear on the Unit, References, Calculation Settings, Fuel Data, Startup Summary, and Operating Notes sections. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

Field Data Type Description Behavior and Usage
APM Event Creation Character

Determines under what conditions APM Events will be created.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of the following values:

  • All Primary Events
  • MWH Loss Exceeds Reference
  • Production Loss Exceeds Reference

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab.

APM Event Creation Reference Value Numeric Used to determine when an APM Event will be created.

This field is enabled and required if the value in the APM Event Creation is MWH Loss Exceeds Reference or Production Loss Exceeds Reference.

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab.

Asset ID Character Identifies the Functional Location associated with the GAA Unit.

You can select a Functional Location to associate with the GAA Unit.

This field is required.

Block Number Character

Identifies the generation block for the unit.

This field contains a list of all values in the Block Number field in all other GAA Units. Block number typically applies to combined-cycle or co-generation unit types.

In Primary Events and Contributing Events that are linked to a GAA Unit that has a value in the Block Number field, the following fields will contain the cause code values that are associated with the value in the Unit Type field of all GAA Units which contain the same value in the Block Number field.

  • Cause Code System
  • Cause Code Component
  • Cause Code fields

This field is available on the References tab.

You can enter a value manually.

When you enter a value in the Block Number field for one GAA Unit, the value will be available in the Block Number drop-down for next unit.

Capable of Banking? Boolean Indicates whether the GAA Unit is capable of producing required heating output.

If the value in this field is:

  • True, it indicates that the GAA Unit is able to produce the required heating output.
  • False, it indicates that the GAA Unit is not able to produce the required heating output.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Capable of Quick Start? Boolean Indicates whether the GAA Unit is capable of starting immediately.

If the value in this field is:

  • True, it indicates that the GAA Unit can start immediately.
  • False, it indicates that the GAA Unit cannot start immediately.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Cold Start MMBTU Numeric Indicates the fuel consumption of a cold startup in MMBTU.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Company ID Character Identifies the company that owns the unit.

When a GAA Unit is first created, this field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Company ID field for the GAA Plant to which the GAA Unit is linked.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Company Name Character Identifies the full name of the company that owns the unit.

When a GAA Unit is first created, this field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Company Name field in the GAA Plant to which the GAA Unit is linked.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Create Outside Management Control Statistics? Boolean

Indicates whether a Performance record will be created to exclude Primary Events and Contributing Events in which the value in the OMC Event field is True.

If the value in this field is:

  • True, a Performance record will be created to exclude data for OMC events.
  • False, a Performance record will NOT be created to exclude data for OMC events.

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab.

Default Unit Loading Character Indicates the time during which the unit is responsible for generating power.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of System Codes in the MI_GM_UNIT_LOADING System Code Table based on the value in the Primary Regulatory Body field in GAA Unit record.

This field is available on the Fuel Data tab.

Derating Calculation Method Character Used by the History Rollup Query when it rolls up event data in the order that the events occurred based on their start date.

This field is required. You should accept the default value, Event Order Number. You should not select Ranked Masking and All Additives.

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab.

EUCG Plant Reference Numeric Indicates a plant reference number assigned by EUCG. EUCG is a global association of utility professionals and member companies which is recognized as the electric energy industry source for performance information.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the References tab.

Generation Cost Model Character

Determines how the Potential Event Cost will be calculated in Primary Events that are linked to the GAA Unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of the following values:

  • No Cost Calculation
  • Reference Value
  • Price Curve

This field is set to No Cost Calculation by default.

Note: V4. onwards, only No Cost Calculation is supported.

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab and is disabled.

Generation Cost Reference Value Numeric Determines the cost of power lost by reduced capacity of the unit.

This field is enabled and required when the value in the Generation Cost Model field is set to Reference Value.

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab.

Hot Start MMBTU Numeric Indicates the fuel consumption for a hot startup in MMBTU.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Lock GADS Data Boolean

Determines whether Primary Event or Performance records that are linked to the GAA Unit can be modified.

If the value in this field is:

  • True, only a member of the MI GAA Administrator Security Group will be allowed to create Primary Event or Performance records to link to the GAA Unit or modify Primary Events or Performance records that are already linked to the GAA Unit.
  • False, the ability to create and modify Primary Events and Performance records will be controlled by GAA role-based security.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Minimum Down Time Numeric

Indicates the minimum time for which the GAA Unit is shut down and is not producing power.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Minimum Up Time Numeric Indicates the minimum time for which the GAA Unit is producing power.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Nameplate Gross Dependable Capacity Numeric Identifies the gross dependable electrical generation capacity of the unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Nameplate Gross Maximum Capacity Numeric Identifies the gross maximum electrical generation capacity of the unit.

Either this field or the Nameplate Net Maximum Capacity field must be populated in order to save a GAA Unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

This field is required.

Nameplate Net Dependable Capacity Numeric Identifies the net dependable electrical generation capacity of the unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Nameplate Net Maximum Capacity Numeric Identifies the net maximum electrical generation capacity of the unit.

Either this field or the Nameplate Gross Maximum Capacity field must be populated in order to save a GAA Unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

This field is required.

Net Rating Numeric Identifies the manufacturer's official net rating for the unit.

This value is defined by NERC in the GADS DRI and CEA in the Generation Equipment Status ERIS.

This field is available on the References tab.

Percent Generation Numeric Represents the percentage of the unit's generation from the unit that belongs to the company represented by the GAA Company that is associated with the GAA Unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab and is populated with the value 100(PCT) by default.

Percent Operated Numeric Represents the percentage of unit operation that belongs to the company represented by the GAA Company that is associated with the GAA Unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab and is populated with the value 100(PCT) by default.

Percent Owned Numeric Represents the percentage of the unit owned by the company represented by the GAA Company that is associated with the GAA Unit.

This field is available on the Unit tab and is populated with the value 100(PCT) by default.

Plant ID Character Identifies the plant in which the unit resides.

When a GAA Unit is created, this field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Plant ID field in the GAA Plant to which the GAA Unit is linked.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Plant Name Character Identifies the full name of the plant in which the unit resides.

When a GAA Unit is created, this field is disabled and populated automatically with the value in the Plant Name field in the GAA Plant to which the GAA Unit is linked.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Primary Fuel Code Character Identifies the fuel code for the primary fuel used by the GAA unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with values in GAA Fuel Types records.

This field is required.

This field is available on the Fuel Data tab.

Primary Regulatory Organization Character Identifies the first council to which data will be reported.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field based on your selection in the Primary Regulatory Organization field in the GAA Company record. You can, however, modify the value in this field.

If the value in this field is set to North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Secondary Regulatory Organization field is disabled.

If the value in this field is set to Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) , the value in Secondary Regulatory Organization field is set to North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the field is disabled.

This field is required.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Primary Unit Code Character Indicates the code that is assigned to the GAA Unit by the regulatory body selected in the Primary Regulatory Body field.

You can enter a value manually.

The Primary Unit Code for NERC must be three characters. The Primary Unit Code for CEA must be two characters.

This field is available on the References tab.

This is a required field.

Primary Utility Code Numeric Identifies the utility under which the unit operates.

This value is defined by NERC in the GADS DRI and CEA in the Generation Equipment Status ERIS.

This field is required.

This field is available on the References tab.

Quaternary Fuel Code Character Identifies the fuel code for the quaternary fuel used by the GAA unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with values in GAA Fuel Types records.

This field is available on the Fuel Data tab.

Quick Start Reserve Numeric Indicates that the Unit is not synchronized but can be loaded within the specified time (in minutes). Typical examples are 10 minutes or 30 minutes.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Region Character Indicates the region code of the plant in which the unit resides.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of System Codes in the MI_GM_POWER_REGION System Code Table. This value is defined by NERC in the GADS DRI and CEA in the Generation Equipment Status ERIS.

This field is required only if the Primary Regulatory Organization is NERC.

This field is available on the References tab.

Report Capacity Data Character Specifies how event data should be reported for Primary Events that are linked to the GAA Unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of the following values: NERC, Internal, NERC and Internal, and Do Not Report.

This field is available on the References tab.

Secondary Fuel Code Character Identifies the fuel code for the secondary fuel used by the GAA unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with values in GAA Fuel Types records.

This field is available on the Fuel Data tab.

Secondary Regulatory Organization Character Identifies the second council to which data will be reported.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field based on your selection in the Secondary Regulatory Organization field in the GAA Company record. You can, however, modify the value in this field.

If the value in the Primary Regulatory Organization field is set to North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), this field is disabled.

If the value in the Primary Regulatory Organization field is set to Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) , the value in this field is set to North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the field is disabled.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Secondary Unit Code Character Indicates the code that is assigned to the GAA Unit by the regulatory body selected in the Secondary Regulatory Body field.

You can enter a value manually.

You must enter a value in this field if you have selected a value in the Secondary Regulatory Organization field.

The Secondary Unit Code for NERC must be three characters. The Primary Unit Code for CEA must be two characters.

This field is available in the References tab.

Secondary Utility Code Character Identifies the utility code under which the unit operates.

This value is defined by NERC in the GADS DRI and CEA in the Generation Equipment Status ERIS.

If the value in the Primary Regulatory organization field is Canadian Electricity Association (CEA), then the Secondary Utility Code field is enabled and will be required.

This field is available on the References tab.

Subregion Character Indicates the subregion of the plant in which the unit resides.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of the System Codes in the MI_GM_POWER_SUBREGION System Code Table that contain a System Code Reference to the System Code identified by the value in the Region field.

This value is defined by NERC in the GADS DRI and CEA in the Generation Equipment Status ERIS.

This field is required only if the Primary Regulatory Organization is NERC.

This field is available on the References tab.

Tertiary Fuel Code Character Identifies the fuel code for the tertiary fuel used by the GAA unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with values in GAA Fuel Types records.

This field is available on the Fuel Data tab.

Typical Cold Down Time Numeric

Indicates the minimum time for which the unit is shut down to be classified for cold start.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Typical Cold Start Numeric Indicates the time in hours for a unit to start from cold.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Typical Hot Down Time Numeric Indicates the time for which the unit is shut down to be classified for hot start.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Typical Hot Start Numeric

Indicates the time in hours for a unit to start from hot.

You can enter a value manually.

This field is available on the Startup Summary tab.

Unit ID Character Identifies the unit and is used to populate the Record ID.

The value in this field should not exceed 50 characters in length. While you can save a GAA Unit that contains more than 50 characters in this field, when you attempt to create a Primary Event for that unit, an error message will be displayed.

This field is required.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Unit Name Character Identifies the full name of the unit and is used to populate the Record ID.

This field is required.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Unit Operating Characteristics Character Stores any information about the unit that is not captured in other fields.

This field is available on the Operating Notes tab.

Unit State Character

Indicates whether the unit represented by the GAA Unit is active.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of the values based on your selection in the Primary Regulatory Organization field.

If you selected North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) in the Primary Regulatory Organization field, the following options appear in drop-down list box:

  • Active (Active)

  • Inactive (Inactive)

    If you select this value, make sure that the GAA Unit has at least one event which meets the following criteria:

Note: When a GAA Unit is in Inactive state, you cannot have an event associated with the Active state.

If you selected Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) in the Primary Regulatory Organization field, the following options appear in drop-down list box:

  • Not In Commercial Service (NICS)
  • Commercial Service (CS)

This field is required.

This field is available on the Unit tab.

Unit Type Character Identifies the type of unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field based on your selection in the Primary Regulatory Organization field. The value in this field will be used in conjunction with the Nameplate Gross Maximum Capacity or Nameplate Net Maximum Capacity to calculate missing capacity values.

This field is required.

This field is available on the References tab.

Verbal Description Character Stores a description of the unit.

This field is available on the Fuel Data tab.

Zone Character Identifies the zone in which the unit resides for the purpose of associating Power Price Curves with the GAA Unit.

If the value in the Generation Cost Model field is Price Curve, this field becomes required and the value will be used to associate Power Price Curves with the same Zone with events linked to the GAA Unit.

A baseline rule exists to populate this field with a list of System Codes in the MI_GM_POWER_PRICE_ZONE System Code Table.

This field is available on the Calculation Settings tab.

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