In the module navigation menu, select Health, and then select Asset Health Manager.
The Asset Health Manager Overview page appears.
The tabs at the top of the page summarize the statuses of the health indicators and show related recommendations for the selected asset and its subsidiary assets. You can select a tab to view one of the following lists:
No Status: Health indicators that have no status due to the health indicator source record having no limit values defined or having no associated readings.
Normal: Health indicators that meet the normal status criteria or that have been acknowledged.
Note: If a health indicator has been acknowledged, the actual status of the health indicator is warning or alert, but the status is counted as normal.
When this is the case, the Acknowledged column of the Normal list contains a check mark.
Warning: Health indicators that meet the warning status criteria.
Alert: Health indicators that meet the alert status criteria.
Recommendations: Health-related recommendations (that is, General Recommendation, AMS Asset Recommendation, Policy Recommendation, and Operator Rounds Recommendation) that are in an open state (that is, not completed, superseded, or rejected).
The Asset Health Manager Overview page also contains the following graphs:
Health Indicator Status by Asset: Displays the top 20 assets and a summary of the health indicator statuses for each.
Recommendation Status: Summarizes the statuses of health-related recommendations (that is, General Recommendation, AMS Asset Recommendation, Policy Recommendation, and Operator Rounds Recommendation).
Alert Acknowledgment: Compares the number of health indicators with warning or alert statuses that are acknowledged vs. not acknowledged.
You can select in the upper-left corner of the page to filter the information displayed on the Asset Health Manager Overview page to a specific asset. When you filter by an asset, the page displays information for the selected asset and the assets under it in the hierarchy. The Home level includes information not related to an asset or related to an asset not in the Asset Hierarchy.