About Automatic Creation of Health Indicators

After you start the Asset Health Indicator service, whenever an entity or a relationship record is created in the GE Digital APM database, Health Indicator records are created automatically if the following conditions are met:

Note: Records may exist in your database that belong to a health indicator source family, but for which you do not want health indicators to be created. You can use the Health Indicator Source Management workspace to manage whether or not health indicators are created for each potential source record.

When Health Indicator records are created:

Once Health Indicator records exist in the GE Digital APM database, you can view the related health information in Asset Health Manager.

If a health indicator source record is deleted or if it is unlinked from an asset record to which it was linked through the relationship defined in the relevant Health Indicator Mapping record, the corresponding Health Indicator records are deleted automatically.

Health Indicators and Site Filtering

When a health indicator source record is linked to an asset, both the health indicator source record and the newly created Health Indicator record inherit the Site Reference Key of the asset.

In certain scenarios, you may be working with a health indicator source that measures some values that are shared across sites. For example, you may have an OPC Tag that measures flow or pressure in a pipe that crosses a site boundary. In this case, the health indicator source (e.g., OPC Tag record) should be designated as a global record (i.e., not assigned to any specific site). Because health indicator source records automatically inherit the Site Reference Key of the asset, after linking the source to the asset, a Super User must use the Site control to adjust the site assignment of the source records to designate them as Global.

IMPORTANT: It is not supported for a health indicator source and an asset to be assigned to different sites.

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