Administrative users can use the Health Indicator Source Management workspace to specify whether or not health indicators are created automatically for each potential health indicator source record (i.e., a record belonging to a family that has a fully configured Health Indicator Mapping record).
IMPORTANT: When you include or exclude a source record linked to multiple assets, your changes will affect the health indicators based on that source for all linked assets. Further, when you exclude a source record, no health indicators will be created for that source when you link it to additional assets.
Select Asset Health Manager.
Select the Health Indicator Source Management tab.
The Health Indicator Source Management workspace appears, which includes a grid with one row for each health indicator source record.
Select the check box next to a source for which you want to create Health Indicator records, and then select Include Selected.
Select the check box next to a source for which you do not want Health Indicator records to be created, and then select Exclude Selected.
Hint : You can also use the Include All Matching and Exclude All Matching buttons to include or exclude all sources that match the search or filter criteria that you have applied, including matching sources not currently displayed in the grid.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
If you want to proceed, select OK.
If you included a source, the image appears in the row containing the selected source record. This indicates that the source is no longer excluded and that the corresponding Health Indicator records were created.
If you excluded a source, the image appears in row containing the selected source record. This indicates that Health Indicator records will not be created based on the source record for any asset, and that existing Health Indicator records based on the source were deleted.
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