Configure the Context File

This topic describes how to access and configure parameters in these context files.

Before you can run a job in the APM Connect Administration Center, you must specify a set of connection parameters and corresponding values to establish a connection between APM Connect components, GE Digital APM, and your EAM system. Each of these connections is used when running a job, and it is required. The connections are established via context files.

Tip: The SAP Adapters support connections between multiple SAP systems and multiple GE Digital APM databases by using one context file for each SAP system or GE Digital APM database.


  1. On the APM Connect server, access your context file. If you installed it in the default location, navigate to the following folder: C:\APMConnect\Config

  2. Configure the context file for your type of deployment.

    IMPORTANT: Changes made to the context file will override changes made in the Context parameters section of APM Connect Administration Center.

    To configure the context file, enter the appropriate values for each parameter into the context file according to the following table.

    ParametersDescriptionDefault or Recommended Value
    Interface Mode Selection
    SAP_CLOUD_ENABLEDDetermines whether the Adapter will be used in a cloud environment.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: Adapter will be run in the cloud.
    • false: Adapter will be run on premises.
    LOAD_MERIDIUM_APMDetermines whether the data will be loaded into the Meridium database.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: Data will be loaded into the Meridium database.
    • false: Data will not be loaded into the Meridium database.



    Determines whether the data will be loaded into the Predix database.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: Data will be loaded into the Predix database.
    • false: Data will not be loaded into the Predix database.

    The CMMS ID is used as the identifier for your SAP system, and is <SAP System ID>-<SAP Client ID>.

    For example, if your SAP System ID is D03 and your SAP Client ID is 001, then your CMMS ID would be DO3-001.

    This value is required.

    Enter a unique value.

    SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPEIdentifies the type of system connecting with GE Digital APM.

    This value is required.

    You must enter the one of the following values:

    • SAP: If the source system is SAP.
    • SAP-PI: If the source system is SAP-PI.
    Intermediate Repository (IR) Connection
    IR_HOSTThe IP address of the IR.Enter the host name of the PostgresSQL server. If you installed APM Connect using the default settings, then the value is localhost.
    IR_PORTThe port number of the IR.Enter your PostgreSQL port. The default value is 5432.

    The database in which the IR data is stored.

    Enter a name for the IR database. This value will be used to create the IR database.


    The schema in which the IR database will be created.

    The default value is public.


    The IR user name.

    Enter the user name for the PostgresSQL database. The default user name is postgres.


    The IR system password.

    Enter the password for the PostgresSQL database that was created during installation.

    SAP Connection
    SAP_CLIENTThe SAP client from where the data is imported.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_HOSTThe IP address or the host name of the SAP application server.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_LANGUAGEThe language in which the SAP system sends messages to APM Connect. The default value is EN.
    SAP_SYSTEM_NUMBERThe instance number of the SAP application server.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_USERIDThe SAP system user ID.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PASSWORDThe SAP system password.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_SYSTEM_TIMEZONEThe SAP Application Server Operating System time zone.The default value is EST.
    SAP_FILE_ENCODINGDetermines the encoding of the source data.

    The default value is UTF8.

    All the character encoding supported by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) are correct.


    Determines the maximum number of SAP background jobs allowed during extraction.

    The recommended value is 10.
    IR_LOAD_NUM_PARALLEL_JOBSDetermines the maximum number of SAP background jobs allowed during loading.The recommended value is 10.
    LOG_REQUESTLogs the APM web service requests.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: Enables logging.
    • false: Disables logging. This is the recommended value.
    LOG_RESPONSELogs the APM web service responses.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: Enables logging.
    • false: Disables logging. This is the recommended value.
    File System
    PLSAP_INPUTThe path of the directory you created, which SAP uses to place data files used by APM Connect.Enter a unique value.
    PLSAP_OUTPUTThe path of the directory used by APM Connect to search for the files created by SAP. This directory should be shared with the SAP server.Enter a unique value.
    IR_TALEND_OUTPUTThe temporary workspace used when moving files from SAP to APM Connect.Enter a unique directory path.


    The directory path to the log file.



    The temporary storage location for files that are waiting to be loaded.

    Enter a unique value (for example, C:\APMConnect\Staging).
    UNC_FILE_PATHThe path of the directory of the data loader file share.Enter a unique value.
    APM Connect
    APM_CONNECT_HOSTThe host name of the machine where APM Connect Administration Center is installed.Enter a unique value.
    APM_CONNECT_PORTThe port name of the machine where APM Connect Administration Center is installed. Enter a unique value.
    APM Connection

    Note: The APM Connection Parameters are not required for cloud deployment.

    APM_API_APP_SERVERThe GE Digital APM API application server name.Enter the name of your GE Digital APM API server.
    APM_API_USE_SSLSpecifies whether the GE Digital APM API application uses SSL.

    The valid values are:

    • true: The API application uses SSL.
    • false: The API application does not use SSL.

    The default value is false.

    APM_APP_SERVERThe GE Digital APM application server name.Enter the name of your GE Digital APM server.
    APM_DATASOURCEThe GE Digital APM data source to which the data will be exported.Enter the name of your GE Digital APM data source.


    The GE Digital APM Framework user ID.Enter a unique value.
    APM_PASSWORDThe GE Digital APM Framework password.Enter a unique value.
    MANUAL_RUNDetermines how the date parameters will be treated.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: The dates specified in the context files will be used. Additionally, the dates of the last successful run stored in the database will not be updated.
    • false: The date range used during the extraction will be the date of the last successful record as stored in the database. Each time a job is run successfully, the database is updated with those dates and all the subsequent runs will use the dates from the last successful record.

    Determines if different types of objects that are logically related to each other can be classified into a single class type.

    For example, you can use class type 023 to classify both materials and batches.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: Used if the SAP system is enabled to allow multiple objects.
    • false: Used if the SAP system is not enabled to allow multiple objects. This is the default value.
    TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTICS_ENABLEDDetermines if the technical characteristics of Equipment or Functional Location will be extracted.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: If you are using Equipment or Functional Location Adapter.
    • false: If you are not using Equipment or Functional Location Adapter. This is the default value.



    The ID(s) of the Maintenance Plant whose data you want to extract.

    Plant values cannot exceed four characters.


    The SAP code that represents the language of the description to transfer data into GE Digital APM.

    The value must be a single character.


    The date value that limits the data extracted to records created on or after the specified date.

    Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.


    The date value that limits the data extracted to records created on or before the specified date.

    Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.


    The date value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or after the specified date.

    Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.


    The date value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or before the specified date.

    Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.

    Equipment Filter Criteria


    The number that identifies the Equipment record that you want to extract.

    Equipment number should not exceed 18 characters. You cannot exceed 500 Equipment numbers.

    For multiple Equipment records, separate the numbers using commas.


    The ID of the Equipment category that limits the Equipments extracted.

    Equipment category ID must be a single character.

    For multiple Equipment categories, separate the IDs using commas.


    The ID of the Equipment type that limits the Equipments extracted.

    Equipment type ID should not exceed 10 characters.

    For multiple Equipment types, separate the IDs using commas.


    The ID of the Equipment classification that limits the Equipments extracted.

    Equipment classification ID should not exceed 18 characters.

    If an Equipment has multiple classifications, as long as you specify one of those classifications, the Equipment record will be extracted.

    For multiple Equipment classifications, separate the IDs using commas.

    Functional Location Filter Criteria


    The ID of the Functional Location that limits the Functional Locations extracted.

    Functional Location ID should not exceed 40 characters. You cannot exceed 500 Functional Location numbers.

    For multiple Functional Locations, separate the IDs using commas.


    The ID of the Functional Location type that limits the Functional Locations extracted.

    Functional Location type ID should not exceed 10 characters.

    For multiple Functional Location types, separate the IDs using commas.


    The ID of the Functional Location classification that limits the Functional Locations extracted.

    Functional Location classification ID should not exceed 18 characters.

    For multiple Functional Location classifications, separate the IDs using commas.


    The ID of the Functional Location category that limits the Functional Locations extracted.

    Functional Location category ID must be a single character.

    For multiple Functional Location categories, separate the IDs using commas.

    Work History Filter Criteria


    The number that identifies the Notification record that you want to extract.

    Notification number should not exceed 12 characters.

    For multiple Notification records, separate the numbers using commas.


    The number that identifies the Work Order record that you want to extract.

    Work Order number should not exceed 12 characters.

    For multiple Work Order records, separate the numbers using commas.


    The Notification type that limits the Work Orders that you want to extract.

    Notification type should not exceed two characters.

    For multiple Notification types, separate the Notification types using commas.


    The ID of the Work Order type that limits the Work Orders that you want to extract.

    Work Order type ID should not exceed four characters.

    For multiple Work Order types, separate the IDs using commas.


    The Work Order systems status that limits the Work Orders that you want to extract.

    Work Order system status should not exceed four characters.


    The Work Order user status that limits the Work Orders that you want to extract.

    Work Order user status should not exceed four characters.


    The Notification system status that limits the notifications that you want to extract.

    Notification system status should not exceed four characters.


    Notification user status that limits the notifications that you want to extract.

    Notification user status should not exceed four characters.

    CREATE_TIME_STARTThe time value that limits the data extracted to records created on or after the specified time.Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CREATE_TIME_ENDThe time value that limits the data extracted to records created on or before the specified time.Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.


    The time value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or after the specified time.

    Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.


    The time value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or before the specified time.

    Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.

    Work Management

    The number that identifies the maintenance plan record.

    The maintenance plan number must not exceed 12 characters and it should be zero padded. Example: 000000000012.

    For multiple maintenance plan records, separate the numbers using commas.

    INSPECTION_FAMILY Determines the family to which the Inspection records are associated.To use the default association, enter the value MI_TASKINSP.

    Determines the SAP control key used to identify trigger values for Inspection records.

    The parameter requires the following specific syntax: <SAP Table>-<SAP Field> EQ '<Key Value 1>,<Key Value 2>,<Key Value 3>, etc.'

    To use the default configuration, enter the following value: PLPO-STEUS EQ 'ZMI1'

    CALIBRATION_FAMILYDetermines the family to which the Calibration records are associated.To use the default configuration, enter the value MI_TASKCALB.

    Determines the SAP control key used to identify trigger values for Calibration records.

    The parameter requires the following specific syntax: <SAP Table>-<SAP Field> EQ '<Key Value 1>,<Key Value 2>,<Key Value 3>, etc.'

    To use the default configuration, enter the following value: PLPO-STEUS EQ 'ZMI2'


    Note: The Queue parameters apply only to cloud deployment.


    The queue host name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    An additional queue host name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    An additional queue host name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The queue port.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    An additional queue port.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    An additional queue port.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The queue user name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The queue password.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The coded customer name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.

    USE_SSLProvides for encryption and authentication of the data and its transmission to the server.Enter a unique value.
    TRUSTSTORE_FILELocation of the file with all the necessary keys and certificates for data transfer to the server using the active message queue.Enter a unique value.
    TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORDPassword of the trust store for APM Connect to retrieve the keys.Enter a unique value.


    SFTP Connection is supported only for the SAP Adapters, and configuration is required only if you are using SFTP to transfer information between your systems.

    IMPORTANT: If you are using an SAP System with the SAPFTP_SERVERS table, you must configure that table to activate SFTP servers according to the SAP Help system. You can refer to SAP OSS 1605054 for more details. Typically, this will apply to any SAP version later than ECC6 EHP5.


    The SFTP server host name.

    Enter a unique value.


    The SFTP server user name.

    Enter a unique value.


    The SFTP server password.

    Enter a unique value.


    The SFTP server port.

    If the default configuration was followed, enter one of the following values:

    • 21: For FTP connection.
    • 22: For SFTP connection.


    The mode by which files are copied.

    Enter one of the following values:

    • SERVER: To use file shares.
    • FTP: To use standard FTP.
    • SFTP: To use standard secure FTP.


    The remote SFTP directory used to scan for files.

    Enter a unique value.


    The number of times to scan the SFTP server for files.



    The time in seconds between scans.


    PLSAP_SFTP_SCP_COMMANDThe command name created when establishing the SFTP transfer in SAP.

    Enter a unique value.


    Note: The SFTP parameters apply only to cloud deployment.


    The SFTP server host name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The SFTP server user name.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The SFTP server password.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The SFTP server port.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.


    The directory path where the shared files are stored.

    Enter a unique value, which was provided during installation.

    USE_SSH_KEYDetermines if SSH security configuration will be used by the adapters.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: SSH configuration will be used.
    • false: SSH configuration will not be used.
    SSH_PRIVATE_KEYThe directory where the SSH key is stored.

    Enter a unique value. The SSH key must be generated by the user in the openSSH format. This key can be stored in any directory on the APM Connect server, but it is recommended to store it in the following directory: C:\APMConnect\Config

    Email Notification

    Note: The Email Notification parameters apply only to cloud deployment.

    EMAIL_FROMThe email address from which the notification email will be sent. Enter a unique value.
    EMAIL_TO The email address(es) to which the email will be sent. Enter a unique value.
    FAILURE_DETAIL_REPORT_ENABLEDIndicates whether the failure detail report will be sent when a record fails to load.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: The failure detail report, detailing the records that failed to load into GE Digital APM and the reason for failure, will be sent.
    • false: The failure detail report will not be sent.
    FAILURE_DETAIL_REPORT_JRXML_FILE_PATHDirectory where the JasperReport file to generate the failure detail report in PDF will be delivered. Enter a unique value.
    LOAD_SUMMARY_REPORT_ENABLED Indicates whether the load complete report will be loaded with each extraction.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: The load complete report, detailing the number of records that were extracted and successfully loaded into GE Digital APM, will be sent.
    • false: The load complete report will not be sent.
    LOAD_SUMMARY_REPORT_JRXML_FILE_PATHDirectory where the JasperReport file to generate the summary detail report in PDF will be delivered. Enter a unique value.
    REPORT_TARGET_DIRDirectory where the report file will be delivered.Enter a unique value.
    SMTP_HOSTThe host for SMTP installation the APM Connect server. Enter a unique value.
    SMTP_PORTThe port for SMTP. The default value is 25.
    EQUIPMENT_THRESHOLD The maximum number of records that should be transferred from SAP to GE Digital APM in a single run of the Equipment Adapter. The default value is 100000.
    FLOC_THRESHOLD The maximum number of records that should be transferred from SAP to GE Digital APM in a single run of the Function Location Adapter. The default value is 100000.
    WORKHISTORY_THRESHOLD The maximum number of records that should be transferred from SAP to GE Digital APM in a single run of the Work History Adapter. The default value is 50000.
    OVERRIDE_GUARDRAILS Indicates whether the job will continue if the number of records exceeds the defined threshold. The default value is Y, which means that the job will run regardless of the number of records included. A warning notification will also be sent to the email address specified in the EMAIL_TO parameter within the Email Notification Parameters section of this file. If you set this parameter to N, the job will be terminated when the number of records exceeds the defined threshold, and an error notification will be sent.
    SAP PI

    Note: Enter the appropriate values for the following parameters into the context file only if you are deploying the SAP PI Adapters (in which case the parameter SAP_USE_PI should have the value true), which are the SAP Adapters for Process Integration.

    SAP_USE_PIDetermines whether the SAP PI connection will be used.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: SAP PI connection will be used.
    • false: SAP PI connection will not be used. This is the default value.
    SAP_SYSTEM_IDThe system IDs of the SAP systems from which you want to extract data.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PI_HOSTThe SAP PI server host.

    Enter a unique value. For example,

    • - when not using SSL.
    • - when using SSL.
    SAP_PI_PORTThe SAP PI server port. Enter a unique value.

    The receiver party configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.

    This is optional and unique to the user.

    The receiver service configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.

    This is optional and unique to the user.
    SAP_PI_SENDER_PARTYThe sender party configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.This is optional and unique to the user.
    SAP_PI_SENDER_SERVICEThe sender service configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.The default value is Meridium_APMConnect. The value must match the communication channel value in SAP.
    SAP_PI_USERIDThe SAP PI user ID.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PI_PASSWORDThe SAP PI password.Enter a unique value.
    COMPRESS_TYPE Determines if the files will be compressed and the method of compression that is used.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • None: Files are not compressed.
    • Note: If you do not compress files, large extractions will take a long time.

    • SAPCAR: Files are compressed by SAP. This is the recommended value. If used, you must install the SAPCAR file on the APM Connect server.
    • ZIP: Files are compressed through a standard zip method.
    COMPRESS_SAP_COMMAND_NAMEThe value of the command name created.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • ZSAPCAR: The command name for SAP compression.
    • ZSZIP: The command name for standard compression.
    FILE_MOVE_USE_PIDetermines if APM Connect should use SAP-PI to extract and load data.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: SAP PI will move the data from SAP to APM Connect.
    • false: APM Connect will directly copy the data from SAP.
    MAX_FILE_WAIT_SECDefines how long the PI Adapters will wait for the extraction to complete before the job times out.The recommended value is 1000.
    SAP_PI_AAEIf you are using SAP PI 7.3 or later, you may use the Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE). This parameter allows this functionality to be used during extraction.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: If you are using AAE.
    • false: If you are not using AAE. This is the default value.

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