Delete a Collector Instance

Before you begin

Stop the collector whose instance you want to delete.

About this task

If you no longer want to use a collector instance to collect data, you can delete it. When you delete a collector instance, the Windows service for the collector, the Registry folder, and the buffer files are deleted as well.

This topic describes how to delete a collector instance using the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility. You can also delete a collector instance using Configuration Hub. If you want to delete an offline collector, refer to Delete an Offline Collector Instance.


  1. If you want to use the Command Prompt window:
    1. Access the installation folder of the Historian server. By default, it is C:\Program Files\GE Digital.
    2. Run the following command:
      RemoteCollectorConfigurator.exe "<Destination Historian>" "<Destination Historian username>" 
      "<Destination Historian password>" InterfaceDelete <interface name> ShouldDeleteTags[<0 or 1>]

      You can leave the Historian username and password blank if there are no Historian security user groups.

  2. If you want to use an interactive UI:
    1. Run the RemoteCollectorConfigurator.exe file located in the Collectors folder in the ISO.
      A list of options to manage collector instances appears.
    2. Connect to the collector machine by entering 1 or 2, depending on whether collectors are installed locally or on a remote machine.
    3. Enter 5.
      You are prompted to enter the interface name of the collector whose instance you want to delete.
    4. Enter the interface name of the collector that you want to delete.
      You are prompted to specify whether you want to delete the tag data as well.
    5. Enter 1 if you want to delete the tag data as well, or enter 0.


The collector instance is deleted.