About this task
When the OLE DB Provider connects to the archiver, a connection message is generated and logged to the archiver messages list. If you are having problems connecting with the Historian Interactive SQL application (ihSQL.exe), you will either not see a connection message or see a connection error instead.If you suspect that you are having problems connecting to the archiver, follow these steps:
- Open the Historian Administrator.
- Click on the Messages tab.
The message fields appear in the main window.
- In the Priority group box, select the All option.
- In the Topic drop-down list, select All Topics.
- Click Search.
A list of messages appears on the right side of the window.
- Scroll through the list of connection messages and look for any missing connections or connection errors.
Connections denied due to security display the user name passed to the archiver. For example, the message would be similar to this:
Unknown(\kmckenna) failed login at 03/01/2002 04:30:58.415 PM.