Proficy Historian Client Access API
Proficy.Historian.ClientAccess.API Namespace / IArchives Interface / Query Method
Query details.
Query results.
Name of the data store to query files from.

In This Topic
    Query Method (IArchives)
    In This Topic
    Retrieve a list of archives in a Historian server matching an archive name wildcard expression.

    For large servers clients can optionally rely on large message sizes or result-paging or a combination of both to retrieve properties for a large number of archives. Maximum message size is straight-forward and controlled by ConnectionProperties.MaxReceivedMessageSize - it must be matched on both client and server.

    Result-paging enables large result sets to be retrieved across multiple server requests with timing and size controlled by the client. The number of results retrieved per request is controlled via the query's PageSize property. To utilize result-paging, specify a non-zero PageSize and continue calling the same query while the return code is true to retrieve all results from a server. To protect the server and limit excessive server-memory utilization initiating a second query without first retrieving all results for a first query generates a fault.

    Function Query( _
       ByRef query As ArchiveQueryParams, _
       ByRef archives As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Archive), _
       Optional ByVal datastoreName As System.String _
    ) As System.Boolean
    System.bool Query( 
       ref ArchiveQueryParams query,
       out System.Collections.Generic.List<Archive> archives,
       System.string datastoreName
    System.bool Query( 
       ArchiveQueryParams^% query,
       [Out] System.Collections.Generic.List<Archive^>^ archives,
       System.String^ datastoreName


    Query details.
    Query results.
    Name of the data store to query files from.

    Return Value

    Whether additional results remain available on server.
    ArchiveQueryParams query = new ArchiveQueryParams();
    List<Archive> list = new List<Archive>(), temp = null;
    // simple query
    connection.IArchives.Query(ref query, out list);
    // paged query
    query.PageSize = 100; // return at most 100 results per request
    while (connection.IArchives.Query(ref query, out temp))

    Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

    See Also