| Name | Description |
 | CanBrowseSource |
Whether a collector supports browsing point information in a data source.
Browsing enumerates the available data points for optional collection in a Historian server.
 | CanSourceTimestamp |
Whether data sample times in addition to values are available from a data source.
 | CollectionDelay |
An optional delay in data collection from initial collector startup, expressed in seconds.
 | Comment |
An optional collector comment.
 | ComputerName |
A name of the computer hosting a collector.
 | DataRecoveryQueueEnabled |
Whether extra data queuing is enabled in a collector to support collector redundancy.
 | DefaultAbsoluteDeadband |
An absolute collector compression deadband value applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultAbsoluteDeadbanding |
Whether collector compression is expressed as an absolute value (true) or percent of engineering units for newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultCollectionInterval |
A collection interval, expressed in milliseconds, applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultCollectionType |
A collection type applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultCompression |
Whether to enable collector compression for newly tags added to a collector.
 | DefaultCompressionDeadband |
A collector compression deadband value applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultCompressionTimeout |
A collector compression timeout value applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultLoadBalancing |
Whether to enable load balancing for newly added collector tags
 | DefaultSpikeInterval |
A spike interval value applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultSpikeLogic |
Whether to enable spike logic for newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultSpikeMultiplier |
A spike multiplier value applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultTagPrefix |
A prefix string applied to newly added collector tags.
 | DefaultTimeStampType |
A timestamp type applied to newly added collector tags.
 | Description |
An optional collector description.
 | DisableOnTheFlyTagChanges |
Whether collector configuration changes require a collector restart to apply (true) or are applied while collector is running (false).
 | General1 |
The first generic configuration property - purpose depends on collector type.
 | General2 |
A second generic configuration property - purpose depends on collector type.
 | General3 |
A third generic configuration property - purpose depends on collector type.
 | General4 |
The fourth generic configuration property - purpose depends on collector type.
 | General5 |
The fifth generic configuration property - purpose depends on collector type.
 | HeartbeatOutputAddress |
A data source address that receives a periodic heartbeat signal from a collector.
If configured, a collector will write a value of 1 to this address every 60s.
 | LastModified |
The time when the collector's configuration was last modified.
 | LastModifiedUser |
The name of the user who last modified the collector's configuration.
 | MaximumMemoryBufferSize |
An amount of memory, expressed in MB, to allocated for store-and-foward buffering.
 | MinimumDiskFreeBufferSize |
An amount of free disk space, expressed in MB, to reserve on a host computer. Constrains store-and-forward buffering so
all available disk space is not exhausted.
 | Name |
A collector name. Collector names are unique within a single Historian server.
 | RateOutputAddress |
A data source address that receives periodic rate information from a collector.
If configured, a collector will write the current collector status value to this address.
 | RedundancyEnabled |
Whether to enable collector redundancy for a collector.
 | RedundancyFailoverOnBadQuality |
Whether automatic failover occurs based on value quality of a watchdog tag in a collector redundancy configuration.
When true, a Historian server will initiate failover to a backup collector if the latest received watchdog tag
value has quality equal to DataQuality.StatusType.Bad.
 | RedundancyFailoverOnCollectorStatus |
Whether automatic failover occurs based on collector status in a collector redundancy configuration.
When true, a Historian server will initiate failover to a backup collector if the status of the currently active
collector changes from StatusType.Running.
 | RedundancyFailoverOnValue |
Whether automatic failover occurs based on value of a watchdog tag in a collector redundancy configuration.
When true, a Historian server will initiate failover to a backup collector if the latest received watchdog tag
value is non-zero (RedundancyFailoverValueChangeType=false) or unchanged for a period of time (RedundancyFailoverValueChangeType=true).
 | RedundancyFailoverValueChangeType |
Whether to monitor a watchdog tag value for non-zero values (false) or absence of change (true).
 | RedundancyIsActiveCollector |
Whether this is the active collector for purposes of data collection in a collector redundancy configuration.
 | RedundancyPrincipalCollector |
A name of the collector backed up in a collector redundancy configuration. A collector will be next to become active for purposes
of data collection should the system failover it's principal collector.
 | RedundancyValueMaxUnchangedPeriod |
The maximum number of seconds a watchdog tag value can remain unchanged before failover is initiated.
 | RedundancyWatchdogTagName |
A collector tag name to control automatic failover in a collector redundancy configuration.
Depending on other redundancy properties, the watchdog tag value and/or quality are monitored
by a Historian server to gauge the health of the currently active collector.
 | ShouldAdjustTime |
Whether to adjust data sample times with a Historian server to account for local PC clock drift.
 | ShouldQueueWrites |
Whether data samples are queued and written as a single batch-write to a Historian server.
Queuing data writes more efficiently utilizes network resources at a cost of latency in
how promptly current data values are recorded in a server.
 | SourceTimeInLocalTime |
Whether data source times are expressed in local time.
 | Status |
An operational status of a collector.
 | StatusOutputAddress |
A data source address that receives periodic status information from a collector.
If configured, a collector will write the current events-per-minute value to this address.
 | Type |
A collector classification.
 | Version | |