
Get Log

Use journalctl to retrieve logs. The parameter descriptions reference sections in man journalctrl.

Command: GET
Table 1. Parameters
Field Type Description
unit String Filter logs by the given UNIT (see --unit).
priority String Filter the logs by priority (See --priority).
useJSON Boolean Format output as JSON (See --output=json).
useUTC Boolean Format timestamps in UTC time (See --utc).
since String Filter logs before DATE (See --since).
until String Filter logs after DATE (See --until).
kernel Boolean Filter logs; only show kernel (See --kernel).
boot String Filter out logs before the given boot (See --boot).
applicationService String Filter logs on APPLICATION SERVICE.
lines Integer Number of log lines to print.
reverse Boolean Print the newest entries first.
Curl example
curl --unix-socket /var/run/edge-core/edge-core.sock \
Table 2. Success 200
Field Type Description
log_text String Log content
Success response example
    "log_text": "Nov 28 11:04:40 machine-name kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] \
                 Assuming drive cache: write through\\n"
Table 3. Error 4xx
Field Type Description
error_message String A description of the error encountered
status_code Number The status code for the HTTP request
Error response example
    "error_message": "<errorMessage>",
    "status_code": 400