Protocol Benchmarking
The Predix Edge Deadband App sits between the protocol adapter and the cloud gateway (data travels from a protocol adapter to the Predix Edge MQTT Broker to the Deadband App to Cloud Gateway to Time Series). The throughput is highly dependent on the protocol adapter acting as the source. Throughput details for each adapter are available in the adapter's corresponding section.
The effect of the Deadband app on throughput was calculated by adding the Deadband app and configuring the tags in such a way that all data is passes by the Deadband app and nothing is filtered. The tags configured in the Deadband app are the same as the maximum throughput of each adapter without the Deadband app. In such a case, a maximum of 25% degradation is observed in the throughput. However, this should be offset by a decrease in the number of tags sent due to deadband application in any real application.