Predix Edge Applications

Predix Edge includes the following applications for acquiring, publishing and storing data at the Edge. The applications are stored in Artifactory.

To access Artifactory downloads, you will require a GE SSO (single sign-on) username and approval to access Artifactory.

Request a GE SSO

Use the following steps to obtain a GE SSO if you do not already have one.

  1. Complete the Your GE SSO Account request form. All fields marked with a checkmark are required.
  2. Click Submit.
The only non-alphanumeric characters allowed in your GE SSO are an underscore (_) and a period (.). Using any other non-alphanumeric characters for your username will result in an invalid authentication in Artifactory.

Request Artifactory Access

Once you have an SSO, use the following steps to request access to Artifactory.
  1. Complete the Edge Artifactory Access Requests form.
  2. Click Submit.

Application Downloads

Application Description
Cloud Gateway Sends data from the Predix Edge Broker to Time Series or Event Hub instance(s)

EGD Protocol Adapter

Acquires EGD data and publishes it to the Predix Edge Broker

MQTT Protocol Adapter

Acquires data from an external MQTT broker and publishes it to the Predix Edge Broker

OSI-PI Protocol Adapter

Acquires data from an OSI-PI server and publishes it to the Predix Edge Broker

OPC-UA Protocol Adapter

Acquires data from an OPC-UA server and publishes it to the Predix Edge Broker
Historian and Collectors (licensed separately from Predix Edge) Historian database and RESTful query engine for storing and extracting data