Overview of Capabilities

Currently Supported

  • Receive data from multiple configured MQTT topics.
  • Publish data to:
    • Predix Time Series service (one or more instances).
    • Predix Event Hub service (one or more instances).
    • Both services simultaneously.
  • Persist any data that fails to publish in the Time Series Publisher and re-transmit in the background.
  • Store (on disk) and forward all data in the Event Hub Publisher.
  • Predix UAA Authentication with both the Time Series and Event Hub services.
  • Coordination of disk usage between blocks.
  • Time Series data validation.
  • Detailed logging.


  • The Cloud Gateway does not transform input data to Predix Time Series format. If the Time Series Publisher is used, it will discard any input data not formatted correctly for Time Series ingestion.
  • Any Event Hub topics the Cloud Gateway is configured to publish to must be created in your Predix Event Hub instance in advance. The Event Hub Publisher does not have the capability to create Event Hub topics on the fly due to potential security risks.
  • There is no guarantee of the order in which publish requests will be reflected in their respective cloud endpoints.