Scopes for iFIX Users/Groups

This topic provides a list of scopes you can assign to users/groups for accessing iFIX.

Refer to the following table to assign access to specific areas/functionalities of iFIX:

Scope Description
scada.fix_shared_IFIX_PROFICY_AUTH_ADMIN Allows access to all iFIX application features. Any Proficy Authentication user who is a member of this group will have privileges similar to a native iFIX ADMIN user (except the access to security areas). Proficy Authentication users who want to directly log in to iFIX can use this group.

This group is not available by default when you upgrade from iFIX 6.1 or 6.5. You must manually create this group with all the iFIX application features as needed.

scada.fix.shared.APPLICATION_DESIGNER Allows a user to access Configuration Hub and provides use of iFIX features such as iFIX connection, database, and model management.
Important: scada.fix.shared.APPLICATION_DESIGNER is not available by default when you upgrade from iFIX 6.1 or 6.5. You must manually create the group with the required iFIX application features, or update your existing groups to include the following iFIX application features (if you want users in these groups to have access to and use Configuration Hub).
  • Database Block Add-Delete
  • Database Manager
  • Database Reload
  • Database Save
  • Security Configuration
  • System Configuration
scada.fix.shared.OPERATORS Allows run mode only access for a user in iFIX.
scada.fix.shared.SUPERVISORS Allows access to WorkSpace run and configure mode, as well as access to background task exit, iFIX system shut down, and iFIX system user login.
scada.proficy.admin: Allows the Proficy Authentication user access to the iFIX Projects panel and to the Deploy operations from Configuration Hub. This group is for Proficy Authentication only; this group is not linked to any iFIX group and has no permissions in iFIX.