Overview of MQTT Client Registration

The MQTT Client facilitates the connection of SCADA/HMI clients with MQTT brokers for communication with IoT devices. To configure the MQTT Client, ensure that Configuration Hub is installed within the SCADA network.

The MQTT Client product can be installed using Proficy installers. You can register the MQTT Client with Configuration Hub either during install or at a later time. Configuration Hub simplifies the registration of the MQTT Client plugin, centralizing control over MQTT Client product details, license activations, and certificate management. These enhancements replace the conventional method of registering the MQTT Client product, improving the user experience throughout the installation and registration processes.

This document outlines the steps for installing the MQTT Client 2024 Proficy installer and provides instructions on registering the MQTT Client product with Configuration Hub using Central Registration or Install Time Registration methods.

  • Central Registration: This option allows you to centrally register the MQTT Client plugin with Configuration Hub from within Configuration Hub after installing MQTT Client. It does not require the prior installation of Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication before installing MQTT Client.
    Note: If you choose the Central Registration method, configure the Node Manager utility by providing Proficy Authentication server details to update the MQTT Client with Proficy Authentication. For more details, refer to Central Registration for MQTT Client steps.
  • Install Time Registration: This option allows the MQTT Client to be registered with Configuration Hub during the installation process. The Install Time Registration method requires Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication details before installing the MQTT Client.
    Note: If you choose the Install Time Registration method, ensure that Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication server details are available before MQTT Client installation. For more details, refer to Install Time Registration for MQTT Client steps.
  • You can unregister the MQTT Client plugin centrally within Configuration Hub, regardless of whether the product was initially registered using the Central Registration or Install Time Registration methods.
  • To make use of the Central Registration and Install Time Registration enhancements, you must upgrade Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication to version 2024 or higher.