Object Removed Event

Object Removed events enable you to create objects whose actions are triggered on a CimEdit, as opposed to a CimView, screen.

Object Removed triggers a procedure or calls a script when an object is deleted or cut from a CimEdit screen.

Field Description
A Action Contains a drop-down list of existing procedures and scripts. Use either of the following.
Procedure ??
Script ??
B Parameter These entry points have no parameters.
C Debounce event Check ??
Clear ??
Note: When debouncing is enabled, the event/action queue is always processed one action at a time; the current action must be completed before the next action can start. This makes the queue's event/action sequencing predictable and avoids situations where many events could trigger actions and consume unacceptable levels of CPU and memory.
Note: The Object Removed event is not triggered if the object is:
  • Deleted using the Object Model,
  • Removed again by using the CimEdit Undo or Redo feature, e.g. after it has been inserted in or previously deleted from the screen.
Note: Events based on inserting or removing objects are only available for the CimEdit screen. They do not apply to CimView or any other application.