Periodic Event

Periodic triggers a procedure or calls a script periodically at the rate you specify in the Time Period.

Field Description
A Time period Number of milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours between the time the event's procedure ends and the time it is re-triggered.
B Time Type Select one of the following.
  • Ms (milliseconds)
  • Sec (seconds)
  • Min (minutes)
  • Hour (hours)
C Action Contains a drop-down list of existing procedures and scripts. Use either of the following.
Procedure ?? ?? ?? ??
Script ?? ?? ?? ??
D Parameter These entry points have no parameters.
E Debounce event Check ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Clear ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Note: When debouncing is enabled, the event/action queue is always processed one action at a time; the current action must be completed before the next action can start. This makes the queue's event/action sequencing predictable and avoids situations where many events could trigger actions and consume unacceptable levels of CPU and memory.