Rounds Designer

Deploy Rounds for the First Time

Before You Begin

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


Module-level Configuration Tasks:
1Review the Rounds data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom asset families. Modify any relationship definitions as needed. For example, if you have created a new asset family, create a relationship definition as follows:
  • Relationship family: Has Checkpoint
  • Predecessor: The asset family
  • Successor: The Measurement Location family or Lubrication Requirement family
  • Cardinality: One to Many
This step is required only if you have asset data in families outside of the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.

Assign Security Users to the following Rounds Security Groups and Roles:

  • MI Operator Rounds Administrator 
  • MI Operator Rounds Mobile User
This step is required.
Note: The MAPM Security Group that has been provided with APM v3.6 is also available. The user privileges are the same for the MAPM Security User and the MI Operator Rounds Security User. However, we recommend that you use the MI Operator Rounds User Security Group instead of the MAPM Security Group.
3 Manage Measurement Location Template mappings.This step is required only if you added fields to the Measurement Location Template family via Configuration Manager.
4Install the APM application on the mobile device that you plan to use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
5Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection, typically the user time zone.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.

Set up the Scheduled Compliance task.

This step is required.

The scheduled compliance task should be configured to start as soon as the Rounds module is deployed and set to run continuously as long as Rounds in use.

7As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
8Configure automatic synchronization of Measurement Location and Measurement Location Template Records with Allowable Values.This step is optional.
9Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.

Upgrade or Update Rounds to V4.

Before You Begin

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V4. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    2Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    3Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    4As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    5Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    2Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    3Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    4As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    5Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    2Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    3Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    4As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    5Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.
    1Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    2Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    3Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    4As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    5Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.2.0.0 through V4.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    3Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    4Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    5Create the initial default sequencing schedule by accessing the Rounds Designer administration page.This step is required.
    6Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    7Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    8Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    9As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    10Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.1.0.0 through V4.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    3Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    4Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    5Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    6Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    7Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    8As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    9Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.0.0.0 through V4.0.1.0
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    3Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    4Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    5Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    6Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    7Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    8As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    9Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2Prior to upgrading your database, modify Checkpoints linked to multiple assets so that they are only linked to one asset.This step is necessary because a Checkpoint can now be linked to only one asset.
    3Prior to upgrading your database, complete specific steps to upgrade records with schedules containing end dates.This step is required only if you have any records with schedules containing end dates.
    4After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    5Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    6Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    7Confirm the assignment of Security Users for the existing route subscriptions and make additional assignments if needed.This step is required.

    Routes that a user was subscribed to via the Meridium V3.6 mobileAPM application will be assigned to that user automatically through the database upgrade process.

    8Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    9Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    10Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    11As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    12Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2Prior to upgrading your database, modify Checkpoints linked to multiple assets so that they are only linked to one asset.This step is necessary because a Checkpoint can now be linked to only one asset.
    3Prior to upgrading your database, complete specific steps to upgrade records with schedules containing end dates.This step is required only if you have any records with schedules containing end dates.
    4After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    5Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices. This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    6Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    7Confirm the assignment of Security Users for the existing route subscriptions and make additional assignments if needed.This step is required.

    Routes that a user was subscribed to via the Meridium V3.6 mobileAPM application will be assigned to that user automatically through the database upgrade process.

    8Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    9Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    10Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    11As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    12Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.1 through V3.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2Prior to upgrading your database, modify Checkpoints linked to multiple assets so that they are only linked to one asset.This step is necessary because a Checkpoint can now be linked to only one asset.
    3Prior to upgrading your database, complete specific steps to upgrade records with schedules containing end dates.This step is required only if you have any records with schedules containing end dates.
    4After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    5Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    6Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    7Confirm the assignment of Security Users for the existing route subscriptions and make additional assignments if needed.This step is required.

    Routes that a user was subscribed to via the Meridium V3.6 mobileAPM application will be assigned to that user automatically through the database upgrade process.

    8Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    9Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    10Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    11As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    12Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 SP1 LP through V3.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2Prior to upgrading your database, modify Checkpoints linked to multiple assets so that they are only linked to one asset.This step is necessary because a Checkpoint can now be linked to only one asset.
    3Prior to upgrading your database, complete specific steps to upgrade records with schedules containing end dates.This step is required only if you have any records with schedules containing end dates.
    4After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    5Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    6Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    7Confirm the assignment of Security Users for the existing route subscriptions and make additional assignments if needed.This step is required.

    Routes that a user was subscribed to via the Meridium V3.6 mobileAPM application will be assigned to that user automatically through the database upgrade process.

    8Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    9Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    10Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    11As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    12Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 through V3.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2Prior to upgrading your database, modify Checkpoints linked to multiple assets so that they are only linked to one asset.This step is necessary because a Checkpoint can now be linked to only one asset.
    3Prior to upgrading your database, complete specific steps to upgrade records with schedules containing end dates.This step is required only if you have any records with schedules containing end dates.
    4After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication. This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    5Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    6Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    7Confirm the assignment of Security Users for the existing route subscriptions and make additional assignments if needed.This step is required.

    Routes that a user was subscribed to via the Meridium V3.6 mobileAPM application will be assigned to that user automatically through the database upgrade process.

    8Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    9Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    10Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    11As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    12Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

  • Upgrade from any version V3.4.5 through V3.
    1Prior to upgrading your database, complete the pre-upgrade steps for lubrication.This step is required only if you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    2Prior to upgrading your database, modify Checkpoints linked to multiple assets so that they are only linked to one asset.This step is necessary because a Checkpoint can now be linked to only one asset.
    3Prior to upgrading your database, complete specific steps to upgrade records with schedules containing end dates.This step is required only if you have any records with schedules containing end dates.
    4After upgrading your database, complete the post-upgrade steps for lubrication.This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary due to various changes in the data model for records related to lubrication.

    5Install the APM mobile application on mobile devices.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    6Set the local time zone on the mobile device that you will use for data collection.This step is required only if you will use a mobile device for data collection.
    7Confirm the assignment of Security Users for the existing route subscriptions and make additional assignments if needed.This step is required.

    Routes that a user was subscribed to via the Meridium V3.6 mobileAPM application will be assigned to that user automatically through the database upgrade process.

    8Grant permissions to the Everyone group to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.This step is required.
    9Ensure all existing checkpoints have descriptions. This step is required.
    10Ensure that the Source ML Description field is present on the Offline Forms datasheet for the Operator rounds Recommendation family. This field is present by default on the datasheet in baseline APM. If you did not modify this Offline Forms datasheet, no change is required.

    However, if you previously removed the Source ML Description field from the Offline Forms datasheet, you must return the field to the datasheet.

    11As needed, modify your server timeout settings.This step is only required if you want to process large amounts of data in a single transaction (for example, if you collect a large number of readings for a Route or several Routes and then attempt to upload all of those readings simultaneously). If you need to modify server timeout settings, follow the instructions in KBA 000054028.
    12Delete the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields from the ID Template for the Reading family.This step is optional.

    In V4., to enhance the performance of uploading readings, the Reading Value Character and Reading Value Numeric fields in the ID Template for the Reading family were removed. However, if you previously modified the ID Template fields for this family, your configuration is preserved when you upgrade to V4. or later. As a result, if you want to apply the performance increase, you must manually remove these fields. For more details, see KBA 000054893.

Manage the Measurement Location Template Mappings

About This Task

The Measurement Location Template family and the Measurement Location family are provided as part of the baseline Rounds data model. If you create a Measurement Location Template in the APM application, you can then create a Measurement Location based on that template. If you do so, all values in Measurement Location Template fields that also exist on the Measurement Location will be mapped automatically to the new Measurement Location.

You might find that the Measurement Location Template and Measurement Location datasheets do not contain all the fields that you need. If so, you can add fields to the Measurement Location Template family so that the values from the new fields will be mapped to Measurement Locations based on that template. To do so, you will need to complete the following steps.


  1. Create a new Measurement Location Template field.
  2. Add the new Measurement Location Template field to the Measurement Location Template datasheet.
  3. Create a new Measurement Location field. We recommend that the field caption of this field be the same as the field caption you defined for the Measurement Location Template field. This will ensure that the text in the field IDs that identify the fields are the same. If they are not the same, the values will not be mapped from the Measurement Location Template to the Measurement Location.
  4. Add the new Measurement Location field to the Measurement Location datasheet.
    Note: For more information on Measurement Location templates, refer the Family Management documentation.

Upgrade Steps for Lubrication

If you have Lubricant, Lubrication Requirement, or Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database, complete these steps.


  • Complete the following steps prior to upgrading your database:
    Table 1. Pre-Upgrade Steps
    1Review the values in the Manufacturer field in Lubricant records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value “ABC Company” and others contain “A B C Company” to refer to the same manufacturer, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of manufacturers in alphabetical order, to review the values:
            "Lubricant Manufacturer" FROM [MI_LUBRICANT] ORDER BY [MI_LUBRICANT].[MI_LUBRICANT_MFR_C]
    This step is required only if you have Lubricant records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubricant Manufacturer record will be created during the upgrade for each value in the Manufacturer field in Lubricant records prior to upgrading (and the value will be replaced with a reference to the corresponding Lubricant Manufacturer record).

    2Review the values in the Priority field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value "High" and others contain "Hihg" to refer to the same level of priority, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of priority values in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new entry in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY will be added during the upgrade for each value in the Priority field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records prior to upgrading.

    3Review the values in the Component field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value "Bearing" and others contain "Bearings" to refer to the component, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of components in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubrication Component record will be created during the upgrade for each value in the Component field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records prior to upgrading (and the Component Type field will be updated with a reference to the corresponding Lubrication Component record).

    4Review the values in the Method field in Lubricant records and consolidate any near-matches.

    For example, if some of your existing records contain the value "Grease Gun" and others contain "greasegun" to refer to the method, you should modify one or the other so that the values match exactly.

    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of methods in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    This step is required only if you have Lubricant records in your database.

    This step is necessary because a new Lubrication Method record will be created during the upgrade for each unique value in the Method field in Lubricant records prior to upgrading (and the Method field will be deprecated). In addition, the new Method Type field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records will be populated with the Entity Key of the corresponding Lubrication Method record.

    5Review the values in the Capacity Unit of Measure field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records and consolidate any near-matches. Then, ensure that each value matches exactly the system code Description value for an entry in the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table. If a corresponding entry does not exist, and you want to use the value in your upgraded database, add an entry.
    Important: You can add an entry directly to the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table or you can add a reference to an entry in the global UOME System Code Table. However, do not add a given value to the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table using both methods.
    Tip: You can use the following queries, which return a list of Capacity Unit of Measure values in alphabetical order, to review the values:
    • Lubrication Requirement records:
                  DISTINCT [MI_LUBR_REQ].[MI_LUBR_REQ_CAPTY_UOM_C] "Capacity Unit of Measure" FROM
                  [MI_LUBR_REQ].[MI_LUBR_REQ_CAPTY_UOM_C] Asc
    • Lubrication Requirement Template records:
                  "Capacity Unit of Measure" FROM [MI_LR_TMPLT] WHERE
                  [MI_LR_TMPLT].[MI_LR_TMPLT_CAPTY_UOM_C] Asc
    This step is required only if you have Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database.

    This step is necessary because the new Capacity Unit of Measure field in Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records will be populated automatically with a reference to the unit of measure that corresponds to the value in the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field.

    If the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field contains a value that does not correspond to an entry in the MI_LM_REFERENCES System Code Table, no value will be added to the new field.

  • Complete the following steps after upgrading your database:
    Table 2. Post-Upgrade Steps
    1Confirm that appropriate the Lubricant Manufacturer records were created. Add or remove records as necessary.
    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of the Lubricant Manufacturer records in your upgraded database, to review the values:
    See notes for Step 1 in the pre-upgrade steps.
    2Confirm that appropriate entries were created in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY.
    • Access the System Codes and Tables page to confirm the entries.
    • For more information, refer the System Codes and Tables documentation.
    See notes for Step 2 in the pre-upgrade steps.
    3Confirm that appropriate entries were created in the system code table MI_LUBR_PRIORITY.
    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of the Lubrication Component records in your upgraded database, to review the values:
    See notes for Step 3 in the pre-upgrade steps.
    4Confirm that appropriate Lubrication Method records were created. Add or remove records as necessary.
    Tip: You can use the following query, which returns a list of the Lubrication Method records in your upgraded database, to review the values:
    See notes for Step 4 in the pre-upgrade steps.
    5For all Lubrication Requirement and Lubrication Requirement Template records that contained a value in the deprecated Capacity Unit of Measure field, confirm that the new Capacity Unit of Measure field contains a reference to the corresponding unit of measure.
    Tip: You can use the following queries to locate records where the deprecated field contains a value, but the new field does not.
    • Lubrication Requirement records:
    • Lubrication Requirement Template records:
    See notes for Step 5 in the pre-upgrade steps.

Modify Checkpoints Linked to Multiple Assets

About This Task

Note: The steps in this section are required only if you are upgrading from a version of Meridium Enterprise APM prior to V4.0.0.0.

In APM, a Checkpoint can be linked to one asset. During upgrade from versions V3.x to APM, the related asset entity key is added to a field on the Checkpoint family. Therefore, if you have Checkpoints that are linked to more than one asset, then you must remove the links to the additional assets prior to upgrading.


  1. Using an appropriate database management tool, prior to upgrading your database to APM, run a query to locate Checkpoints that are linked to multiple assets.
    For example, for each of the following Checkpoint types in the database, run the following query:
    Checkpoint TypeQuery Example
    Measurement Location
                        MI_MEAS_LOC.ENTY_KEY as "ML_KEY",
                        MI_ENTITIES.ENTY_ID as "ML ID",
                        MIV_MIR_HS_MEASLOC.PRED_ENTY_KEY as "Asset Key"
                        FROM MI_MEAS_LOC
                        AND SUCC_ENTY_KEY IN
                        FROM MIV_MIR_HS_MEASLOC
                        GROUP BY SUCC_ENTY_KEY
                        HAVING COUNT( * ) > 1
                        ORDER BY 1,2;
    Lubrication Requirement
                        MI_LUBR_REQ.ENTY_KEY as "LR_KEY",
                        MI_ENTITIES.ENTY_ID as "LR ID",
                        MIV_MIR_HS_MEASLOC.PRED_ENTY_KEY as "Asset Key"
                        FROM MI_LUBR_REQ
                        AND SUCC_ENTY_KEY IN
                        FROM MIV_MIR_HS_MEASLOC
                        GROUP BY SUCC_ENTY_KEY
                        HAVING COUNT( * ) > 1
                        ORDER BY 1,2;
    A list of Checkpoints that are linked to multiple assets appears, providing the Checkpoint key, Checkpoint ID, and the Asset Key of the assets linked to the Checkpoint.
  2. Access each Checkpoint in Record Manager in the current version of APM.
    The left pane displays the records that are related to the Checkpoint.
  3. Unlink the additional assets from the Checkpoint so that it is linked only to one asset (for example, either a Functional Location or an Equipment if you are using the default asset families).

Upgrade Records with Schedules Containing End Dates

About This Task

Note: The steps in this section are required only if you are upgrading from a version of Meridium Enterprise APM prior to V4.0.0.0.

When upgrading from any V3.x version to a V4.x version, follow these steps to ensure that schedules for the following record types are upgraded successfully:

  • Checkpoint Task
  • Measurement Location
  • Lubrication Requirement
  • Measurement Location Template
  • Lubrication Requirement Template

These steps are required to ensure that any records containing schedules with end dates are upgraded successfully.

Note: If preferred, instead of completing the following steps prior to upgrading, you can instead upgrade your database as normal. When you do so, the log for the Rounds upgrade utility will record entries for schedules that failed to upgrade. You can then use this information to recreate the schedules in V4.2.0.0.


  1. Review the affected record types to determine whether there are any schedules containing end dates. You can use the following queries to locate these records:
    Record TypeQuery
    Checkpoint Templates (that is, Measurement Template and Lubrication Requirement Template records)SELECT ENTY_KEY, ENTY_ID, MI_ML_TMPLT_SCHEDULE_C FROM MIV_MI_CP_TMPLT WHERE MI_ML_TMPLT_SCHEDULE_C LIKE '<?xml%' AND MI_ML_TMPLT_SCHEDULE_C NOT LIKE '%<EndDate xsi:nil="true" />%'
    Checkpoints (that is, Measurement Location and Lubrication Requirement records)SELECT MI_MEAS_LOC_SCHEDULE_C FROM MIV_MI_CHECK_PT WHERE MI_MEAS_LOC_SCHEDULE_C LIKE '<?xml%' AND MI_MEAS_LOC_SCHEDULE_C NOT LIKE '%<EndDate xsi:nil="true" />%'
  2. For each record with a schedule containing an end date:
    1. Note the record and the end date value.
    2. In the Schedule field, select the […] button to open the Schedule window.
    3. In the Range of recurrence section, select No end date, and then select OK.
  3. Proceed with the database upgrade as normal.
  4. Once the database upgrade is complete, in APM, locate the records you noted in step 2.
  5. In each record, update the schedule to set the required end date.

Grant Data Permissions to the Everyone Group


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Data Permissions.
  2. Select the Site Reference family.
    The workspace for the Site Reference family appears, displaying a list of assigned Security Users and Groups for the family.

  3. Select .
    The Assign Groups window appears.

  4. In the list, select the Everyone group, and then select Update.
    The Everyone group is assigned to the family and appears in the workspace.
  5. On the row containing the Everyone group, select the View check box.
  6. Select .
    The Everyone group is granted permission to view records that belong to the Site Reference family.

Rounds Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI Operator Rounds Administrator

MI Health Admin

MI Operator Rounds Mobile User

MI Health Admin

MI Health Power

MI Health User

MI Lubrication Management AdministratorMI Health Admin
MI Lubrication Management User

MI Health Admin

MI Health Power

MI Health User

MI Rounds Designer ViewerMI APM Viewer
MI Rounds Pro AdministratorMI Rounds-Pro Admin
MI Rounds Pro Mobile UserMi Rounds-Pro User

The following table lists the default privileges that members of each group have to the Rounds entity and relationship families.

  • Users who should be able to run Rounds queries to view the Rounds data after it has been uploaded from a tablet or a mobile device will need a combination of the privileges listed in the following table, depending on the families included in the queries they want to run.
  • To create work requests via Operator Rounds Recommendations, users must also have the appropriate privileges to create EAM notifications (e.g., be a member of the MI SAP Interface User Security Group).
  • The privileges assigned to the members of the MAPM Security Group, which was provided in the baseline Rounds module in Meridium Enterprise APM V3.6.0, are also assigned to the members of the MI Operator Rounds Mobile User Security Group. We recommend that you use the MI Operator Rounds User Security Group instead of the MAPM Security Group.
FamilyMI Operator Rounds AdministratorMI Operator Rounds Mobile UserMAPM Security GroupMI Rounds Designer ViewerMI Lubrication Management AdministratorMI Lubrication Management User
Entity Families
Checkpoint ConditionView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Checkpoint TaskView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, UpdateView, UpdateViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update
Health IndicatorViewViewViewViewViewView
Health Indicator MappingView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Hierarchy Item Child Definition (Deprecated)View, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Hierarchy Item Definition (Deprecated)View, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
LubricantView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubrication ComponentView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubrication Management RecommendationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Lubricant ManufacturerView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubrication MethodView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubrication RequirementView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, UpdateView, UpdateViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubrication Requirement TemplateView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Measurement LocationView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Measurement Location TemplateView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Operator Rounds Allowable Values View, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Operator Rounds Recommendation View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
ReadingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Reference DocumentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
RouteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, UpdateView, UpdateViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update
Route HistoryView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Insert, Update, DeleteView, Insert, Update, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Insert, Update, Delete
Rounds Allowable ValueView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Rounds CategoryView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Rounds Sequence InformationView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewNoneView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
TaskNoneView, UpdateView, UpdateView View, Update
Template GroupView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Relationship Families
Condition Has MLView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Condition Has LRView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Category Has Allowable ValuesView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has CheckpointView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Checkpoint TemplateView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Health IndicatorsViewViewViewViewViewView
Has HistoryView, Insert, DeleteView, Insert, DeleteView, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Insert, Delete
Has ReadingsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has RecommendationsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Reference DocumentsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has RouteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has TasksView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Health Indicator Has MappingView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubricant Has MethodView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Health Indicator Has SourceViewViewViewViewViewView
ML Has ConditionView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
ML Has OPR RecommendationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Route Has CheckpointView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Route Has Human ResourceView, Update, Insert, DeleteInsertInsertViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteInsert
Template Has CheckpointView, Update, Insert, DeleteViewViewViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView