Production Loss Analysis

Deploy PLA for the First Time

Before You Begin

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. GE Vernova recommends, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


1Review the PLA data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment and location families. Via Configuration Manager, modify the relationship definitions as needed.

This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.

2 Assign Security Users to one or more of the Production Loss Analysis Security Groups and Roles.This step is required. Users must have permissions to the PLA families to use the PLA functionality.
3 Change the default currency symbol.

This step is optional. By default, the currency symbol is set to $ and appears in the following places:

  • Default Margin field on the Production Profile datasheet.
  • Production Summary workspace.
4 Define all products. This step is required. You must define all products whose production you plan to track using PLA. Each product is stored in a Product record.
5 Define Production Units.

This step is required. You must identify the Production Units that produce the products you defined in the previous task. A single product can be produced by more than one Production Unit. A single Production Unit can also produce more than one product.

Each Production Unit is stored in a Production Unit record, which can be linked to an existing Functional Location record that contains detailed information about the Production Unit.

6 Define Production Profiles.

This step is required. For each Production Unit that you defined in the previous step, you must identify all the products that it produces and information about those products, such as the maximum demonstrated rate of production and the amount of profit one of those products yields. The combination of data about a product and the corresponding Production Unit is the Production Profile for that Production Unit. A Production Unit will have one Production Profile for each product it produces.

Each Production Profile is stored in a Production Profile record, which is linked to the corresponding Product record and Production Unit record.

7 Define Production Event Codes.

The baseline APM database contains Production Event Code records that define a set of basic production event codes. Therefore, this step is required only if you do not want to use the baseline production event codes or if you want to use codes in addition to those that are provided.

You must use Production Event Codes to categorize the types of events that can cause you to produce less than the maximum sustained capacity amount. Production Event Codes define the cause of lost production and answer the question: Why are we losing production? You can also group the types of events by structuring them in a hierarchy. For example, you might group event types into planned and unplanned, where planned events are events such as maintenance down days or employee holidays, and unplanned events are events such as equipment failures or natural disasters (e.g., floods or hurricanes).

Each production event code will be stored in a separate Production Event Code record.

8 Define Impact Codes. The baseline APM database contains Impact Code records that define a set of basic Impact Codes. Therefore, this step is required only if you do not want to use the baseline Impact Codes or if you want to use codes in addition to those that are provided.
9 Define OEE Codes. The baseline APM database contains OEE Code records that define a set of basic OEE Codes. Therefore, this step is required only if you do not want to use the baseline OEE Codes or if you want to use codes in addition to those that are provided. For non-baseline codes to be included in the OEE Metric View, however, they must be children of the baseline parent codes.

Configure PLA for for OT Connect integration:

  1. Deploy OT Connect.
    Note: Deploying OT Connect requires the OT Connect license.
  2. Configure the PLA Service policy.
  3. Link Production Profile records to Policy Instance ID records.

This step is required if you want to use the integration between PLA and the OT Connect feature where Production Data records are created automatically using the baseline PLA Service policy in Policy Designer.

11 Replace the Top 10 Bad Actors query for the PLA Overview page.

This step is optional. The Top 10 Bad Actors query is used by APM to populate the Top 10 Bad Actors graph on the PLA Overview page. In some databases, when viewing this graph, you may receive an error that prevents the graph from populating correctly. If this error occurs, replace the Top 10 Bad Actors query.

Upgrade or Update PLA to V4.

Before You Begin

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V4. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be updated to V4. automatically when you update the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be updated to V4. automatically when you update the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be updated to V4. automatically when you update the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

    This module will be updated to V4. automatically when you update the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

    Note: A new field, RCA Needed, has been added to the Production Event family. For records created before upgrading to V4., the default value in this field is No Entry.
  • Upgrade from any version V4.2.0.0 through V4.

    This module will be updated to V4. automatically when you update the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.1.0.0 through V4.
    1 Replace the Top 10 Bad Actors query for the PLA Overview page.

    This step is optional. The Top 10 Bad Actors query is used by APM to populate the Top 10 Bad Actors graph in the PLA Overview page. In some databases, when accessing this graph, you may receive an error that prevents the graph from populating correctly. If this error occurs, replace the Top 10 Bad Actors query.

  • Upgrade from any version V4.0.0.0 through V4.0.1.0
    1 Replace the Top 10 Bad Actors query for the PLA Overview page.

    This step is optional. The Top 10 Bad Actors query is used by APM to populate the Top 10 Bad Actors graph in the PLA Overview page. In some databases, when accessing this graph, you may receive an error that prevents the graph from populating correctly. If this error occurs, replace the Top 10 Bad Actors query.

  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    1Confirm the deployment of the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server. This step is required only if you did not deploy the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server in V3.
    2Set the time zones for the Production Units.

    This step is required. If the time zones for the Production Units are set, all the Production Plan records, Plan Data records, and Production Target records will be updated based on the time zone for the respective Production Unit.

    Note: Since the date and time in PLA is now stored in UTC format, you must set the time zone for each Production Unit before upgrade.
    • If you do not set the time zones for the Production Units and if the Production Plan records exist in the database, the Production Plan records, Plan Data records, and Production Target records will be updated based on the time zone of the user who last modified the Production Plan record.
    • If you do not set the time zones for the Production Units and if the Production Plan records do not exist in the database, the time zone for the Production Unit will be updated based on the time zone of the user who last modified the Production Unit record.
  • Upgrade from any version V3. through V3.
    1Confirm the deployment of the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server. This step is required only if you did not deploy the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server in V3.
    2Set the time zones for the Production Units.

    This step is required. If the time zones for the Production Units are set, all the Production Plan records, Plan Data records, and Production Target records will be updated based on the time zone for the respective Production Unit.

    Note: Since the date and time in PLA is now stored in UTC format, you must set the time zone for each Production Unit before upgrade.
    • If you do not set the time zones for the Production Units and if the Production Plan records exist in the database, the Production Plan records, Plan Data records, and Production Target records will be updated based on the time zone of the user who last modified the Production Plan record.
    • If you do not set the time zones for the Production Units and if the Production Plan records do not exist in the database, the time zone for the Production Unit will be updated based on the time zone of the user who last modified the Production Unit record.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.1 through V3.
    1Import the required baseline rules in the APM Server.
    Important: This step is required and must be completed before upgrading the APM Server and Add Ons software on APM. After completing this step, you should return to the upgrade APM workflow. Then, after completing the remainder of the upgrade APM workflow, when you are ready to upgrade PLA, proceed to Step 2 in this workflow.
    2Confirm the deployment of the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server. This step is required only if you did not deploy the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server in V3.5.1.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 SP1 LP through V3.
    1Import the required baseline rules in the APM Server.
    Important: This step is required and must be completed before upgrading the APM Server and Add Ons software on APM. After completing this step, you should return to the upgrade APM workflow. Then, after completing the remainder of the upgrade APM workflow, when you are ready to upgrade PLA, proceed to Step 2 in this workflow.
    2Confirm the deployment of the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server. This step is required only if you did not deploy the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server in V3.5.0. SP1 LP.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.5.0 through V3.
    1Import the required baseline rules in the APM Server.
    Important: This step is required and must be completed before upgrading the APM Server and Add Ons software on theAPM. After completing this step, you should return to the upgrade APM workflow. Then, after completing the remainder of the upgrade APM workflow, when you are ready to upgrade PLA, proceed to Step 2 in this workflow.
    2Confirm the deployment of the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server. This step is required only if you did not deploy the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server in V3.5.0.
  • Upgrade from any version V3.4.5 through V3.
    1Import the required baseline rules in the APM Server.
    Important: This step is required and must be completed before upgrading the APM Server and Add Ons software on APM. After completing this step, you should return to the upgrade APM workflow. Then, after completing the remainder of the upgrade APM workflow, when you are ready to upgrade PLA, proceed to Step 2 in this workflow.
    2Define OEE codes. This step is required only if you want to use custom OEE Codes instead of or in addition to the baseline OEE Codes that are provided in the APM database. If you do, you will need to create custom OEE codes to identify the types of losses you can incur. Each OEE Code will be stored in an OEE Code record.
    3Define values that will be mapped to a Production Analysis. By default, certain PLA values are mapped to the production data in a Production Analysis. This step is required only if you want to map different or additional PLA values. If you do, you will need to modify the All Production Data query.
    4Confirm the deployment of the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server. This step is required only if you did not deploy the Production Data cube and Equipment Costs Data cube in the SQL Server Analysis Server in V3.4.5.

Import Baseline Rules

Before You Begin

Note: If you are upgrading Production Loss Analysis from a starting version that is earlier than V3., this procedure must be completed before upgrading the Meridium Enterprise APM Server and Add Ons software on the Meridium Enterprise APM Server(s). This procedure is part of the upgrade APM and upgrade Production Loss Analysis workflows.
  • Acquire a copy of the baseline APM database whose version number matches the version number of your current, pre-upgraded database. If you do not have access to the appropriate baseline database, consult a member of the APM Professional Services department.


  1. On the APM Server, via the Windows start button, access Configuration Manager.

    The Meridium APM Login window appears.

  2. Enter your User ID and Password into the appropriate boxes, and then, in the Data Source box, select the baseline APM database whose version number matches the version number of your current, pre-upgraded database.
  3. Select Login.

    Configuration Manager opens.

  4. On the top navigation bar, select Tools, and then select Import/Export Meridium Metadata.

    The Import/Export Metadata window appears.

  5. Select the Export check box, and then select Select File.

    The Save As window appears.

  6. Navigate to the location where you want to save the exported metadata, then enter a name in the File name: box, and then select Save.

    The Save As window closes, and the selected filepath is displayed in the Select File box on the Import/Export Metadata window.

  7. Select the Selection check box.
  8. In the drop-down list box to the right of the Family Rule Projects check box, select Some.

    The Select Rule Projects to Export window appears.

  9. In the Available Items section, select the item whose Family Caption is Production Event, and then select .

    The selected item appears in the Selected Items section.

  10. In the Available Items section, select the item whose Family Caption is Production Profile, and then select .

    The selected item appears in the Selected Items section.

  11. Select OK.

    The Select Rule Projects to Export window closes, and, on the Import/Export Metadata window, the Family Rule Projects check box is selected automatically.

  12. Select Export.

    The Metadata Import/Export Status dialog box appears, displaying a progress bar. When the export is complete, a message appears, asking if you want to save the log.

  13. Select Save Log.

    The Save As window appears.

  14. Navigate to the location where you want to save the export log, then enter a name in the File name: box, and then select Save.

    The Save As window closes.

  15. On the Metadata Import/Export Status dialog box, select Close.

    The Metadata Import/Export Status dialog box closes.

  16. On the Import/Export Metadata window, select Close.

    The Import/Export Metadata window closes.

  17. In Configuration Manager, on the top navigation bar, select File, and then select LogOff.

    A dialog box appears, asking if you are sure that you want to log off.

  18. Select OK.

    Configuration Manager closes.

  19. On the Meridium Server machine, via the Windows start button, access Configuration Manager.

    The Meridium APM Login window appears.

  20. Enter your User ID and Password into the appropriate boxes, and then, in the Data Source box, select your current, pre-upgraded database.
  21. Select Login.

    Configuration Manager opens.

  22. On the top navigation bar, select Tools, and then select Import/Export Meridium Metadata.

    The Import/Export Metadata window appears.

  23. Select Select File.

    The Open window appears.

  24. Navigate to and select the file that you saved in step 6, and then select Open.

    The Open window closes, and the selected filepath is displayed in the Select File box on the Import/Export Metadata window.

  25. Select the Selection check box.
  26. In the drop-down list box to the right of the Family Rule Projects check box, select Some.

    The Select Rule Projects to Import window appears.

  27. In the Available Items section, select the item whose Family Caption is Production Event, and then select .

    The selected item appears in the Selected Items section.

  28. In the Available Items section, select the item whose Family Caption is Production Profile, and then select .

    The selected item appears in the Selected Items section.

  29. Select OK.

    The Select Rule Projects to Import window closes, and, on the Import/Export Metadata window, the Family Rule Projects check box is selected automatically.

  30. Select Import.

    The Metadata Import/Export Status dialog box appears, displaying a progress bar. When the import is complete, a message appears, asking if you want to save the log.

  31. Select Save Log.

    The Save As window appears.

  32. Navigate to the location where you want to save the import log, then enter a name in the File name: box, and then select Save.

    The Save As window closes.

  33. On the Metadata Import/Export Status dialog box, select Close.

    The Metadata Import/Export Status dialog box closes.

  34. On the Import/Export Metadata window, select Close.

    The Import/Export Metadata window closes.

  35. In Configuration Manager, in the left pane, select the Production Event folder.
  36. In the Tasks section of the workspace, select Compile Family.

    The Family Compile window appears.

  37. In the Family Compile window, select Compile.

    In the Family Compile window, a progress bar appears, and successfully compiled families appear in a list as the operation progresses.

  38. When the progress bar reaches the end, select Close.

    The Family Compile window closes.

  39. In Configuration Manager, in the left pane, select the Production Profile folder, and then repeat steps 36 through 38.

    The necessary baseline rules have been imported into your current, pre-upgraded database.

Replace the Top 10 Bad Actors Query

About This Task

Note: The steps in this section are required only if you are upgrading from a version of Meridium Enterprise APM between V4.0.0.0 and V4.

The Top 10 Bad Actors query is used by APM to populate the Top 10 Bad Actors graph on the Production Loss Analysis Overview page. In some databases, when viewing this graph, you may receive the following error:

To implement the corrected query and to correct this error, complete the following steps.


  1. Access the Query page
  2. In the heading of the Query page, select Browse.

    The Select a query from the catalog window appears.

  3. In the left pane, navigate the Catalog to: Meridium/Public/Modules/PLA/Queries, select the Top10BadActors query and then select Open.

    The Enter Parameter Values window appears.

  4. Select OK.
    Note:  For the purposes of these instructions, you do not need to complete any fields in the Enter Parameter Values window.

    The Top 10 Actors query page appears, displaying the Results tab.

  5. Select the SQL tab.

    The SQL query text appears in the workspace, displaying the current query.

  6. In the SQL workspace, select and delete the current query text.
  7. In the blank SQL workspace, copy and paste the following query text:
                        SELECT TOP 10 SUM(LossAmount) "Loss Amount" , AssetID "Asset ID" FROM
                        ) Table1 GROUP BY AssetID  ORDER BY Sum(LossAmount) Desc
  8. On the right side of the page heading, select .

    The new query text is saved.


The corrected query will populate the Top 10 Bad Actors graph on the Production Loss Analysis Overview page.