Configure multiple servers on a single machine

After installing application server, you can configure a multiple server environment onto a single machine. This procedure demonstrates how to create two additional server instances; however, you can create as many instances as you require.

Before you begin

Install a single application server and client.

  • You must exit all instances of Workflow that are located on the server that you are working on.
  • You must stop all running workflows on your system before creating a new server instance and corresponding services.
  • For each server instance, use a unique server name (see step 2b) and port number (see step 2f).

About this task

You can configure multiple servers on a single machine for two main reasons.
  • If your SOAServer must run on a 32-bit system and is approaching 3 GB of memory usage, then you can move workflows or service providers to a separate server instance to reduce memory usage on the SOAServer.
  • If custom service providers are unstable and you must restart SOAServer frequently, you can move customer service providers to separate server instances.


  1. Open the Services window to stop all services.
    1. From the Start menu, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. In the Name column, click Stop the service for each of the following services: Proficy Server, Proficy STS, Proficy Publisher Service.
  2. Create a new server instance using the Configure Server tool.
    1. On the server machine, On the server machine, click Start > All Programs > General Electric > Workflow > Configuration > Configure Server.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the new server instance, such as WorkflowServer.
    3. In the Description field, enter a description for the server instance.
    4. Click the Advanced Configuration arrow.
    5. Select 64 bit to run the server using that architecture.
      Note: We recommend that you use a 64-bit system unless your service provider requires 32-bit.
    6. In the P2P Configuration section:
      • In the Port field, enter the port number for the server instance. This value must be unique if multiple server instances are run on the same machine.
      Note: For the IP Address field: Peer servers will contact this server instance at the specified IP address. If the specified address is, then the address will be determined at server start as the first IPv4 address found in the DNS records for the hosting machine's host name. If the address is incorrect, then an appropriate address should be specified here.
    7. Click Save.
      The following service has now been created: Proficy Server - Workflow Server.
    8. Click Back.
    9. In the Name field, enter a new name for SOAServer, such as UserServer32.
    10. In the Description field, enter a description for the server instance.
    11. Click the Advanced Configuration arrow.
    12. Select 32 bit to run the server using that architecture.
    13. In the Port field, enter the port number for the server instance. This value must be unique if multiple server instances are run on the same machine.
    14. Click Save.
      Important: After saving the entered data, port numbers are validated to ensure that the same one is not used more than once. To find a new port number, enter a number that is close to the existing one. If a port is already in use, an error will occur. You are then required to return to the entry fields and enter all data again.
      The following service has now been created: Proficy Server - UserServer32.
  3. Move service providers to the new server instances using the Configure Site tool.
    1. On the server computer, click Start > All Programs > General Electric > Workflow > Configuration > Configure Site.
      The Configure Site tool appears.
    2. In the Application Server Instances and Enabled Product Options pane, select the service provider from SOAServer that you want to transfer to the new instances, and then drag and drop it below the new host servers, WorkflowServer and UserServer32. Repeat this process until all service providers have been moved.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Open the Services window to start each service again.
    1. In the Name column, click Start the service to start each of the following services again: Proficy Server, Proficy STS, Proficy Publisher Service, Proficy Server - UserServer32, Proficy Server - WorkflowServer.
  5. Launch the Workflow client using either the Start menu or desktop icon.