Event Triggers
The Event Triggers dialog box allows you to select the event you want to raise when an action is performed on a control in a form.
The Event Triggers dialog box displays the applicable events for each of the configuration types you have defined. For example, if you configured parameters and server methods for a form, the events applicable to those types are displayed and grouped according to type.
The following table describes the events that can be configured.
Event | Occurs when... | Applies to... |
Checked | a control is checked |
Click | a control is clicked |
Collapsed | the content window of a control closes and only the header is visible |
Date Time Changed | a date time is selected | Date/Time Picker |
Drag Completed | the Thumb control loses mouse focus | Grid Splitter |
Drag Delta | the mouse changes position when a Thumb control has logical focus and mouse capture | Grid Splitter |
Drag Started | a Thumb control receives logical focus and mouse capture | Grid Splitter |
Drop Down Closed | the drop-down list of the combo box closes | Combo Box |
Drop Down Opened | the drop-down list of the combo box opens | Combo Box |
Duration Changed | a duration is selected | Duration Picker |
ExecutedSuccessfully | the method executed successfully |
ExecutedWithError | the method fails |
Expanded | the content window of a control opens to display both its header and content |
Got Focus | the control gets focus | All controls |
Indeterminate | the state of a control is neither on nor off |
Key Down | a key is pressed while focus is on the control | All controls |
Layout Updated | the layout of the various visual elements associated with the current Dispatcher changes | All controls |
Loaded | the control is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction | All controls |
Lost Focus | the control loses focus | All controls |
Mouse Double Click | a mouse button is clicked two or more times | All controls |
Mouse Down | any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over the control | All controls |
Mouse Enter | the mouse pointer enters the bounds of the control | All controls |
Mouse Leave | the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of the control | All controls |
Mouse Left Button Down | the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control | All controls |
Mouse Move | the mouse pointer moves while over the control | All controls |
Mouse Right Button Down | the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control | All controls |
Page View Changed | the collection of DocumentPageView items associated with this viewer (represented by the PageViews property) changes | Document Viewer |
Password Changed | the value of the Password property changes | Password Box |
Scroll | the scroll bar moves | Scroll Bar |
Scroll Changed | changes are detected to the scroll position, extent, or viewport size | Scroll Viewer |
Selected | the IsSelected property of changes from false to True |
Selection Changed | the text selection has changed |
Selection Item Changed | the selected item has changed | Tree View |
Submenu Opened | the state of the IsSubmenuOpen property changes to True | Menu Item |
Submenu Closed | the state of the IsSubmenuOpen property changes to false | Menu Item |
Text Changed | content changes in the text element |
Unchecked | a control is unchecked |
Unloaded | the element is removed from within an element tree of loaded controls | All controls |
Unselected | the IsSelected property changes from true to False |
Value Changed | the value changes |