Electronic Signature Tracking
Each time an operator signs an action, a detailed electronic record is written to the electronic signature audit trail.
Records written to the electronic signature audit trail:
- Ensure a tamper-resistant, time-stamped, permanent record of operator actions.
- Include the user names and full names of all performers and verifiers involved in signing and verifying actions.
- Include all comments entered by the performers and verifiers involved in signing and verifying actions.
- Include the unaltered description of the action signed for by the operator and as displayed in the E-Signature Area at the time of signing.
- Are recorded in your SQL Server database.
Electronic signature tracking starts when an operator clicks the Sign Form button on a form in a running workflow. An initial record is then created in the ElectronicSignature table in the SQL Server database with a state of Awaiting Performer. When the performer signature is completed, the record state is updated to Awaiting Verifier or Completed, depending on whether a verifier signature is required. The electronic signature related to a completed task form can be viewed from the Completed Task Information. If the signing is cancelled at any time, the state is updated to Cancelled and if the signing fails it is updated to Failed. For information on electronic signature failures, see Failed Electronic Signature Examples.
Audit records for electronic signatures are created at the conclusion of the electronic signature whether it completed successfully, was cancelled, or failed.