ArchiveData (IArchiveManagment)

Specifies the unused runtime data that you want to archive and creates an archive record when the call method runs.

InputsData TypeDescription
ArchiveDescriptionStringSpecifies a description for the archive file.
ArchiveEndTimeDateTimeSpecifies the age limit for the data to be included in the archive file. That is, only unused data that is older than the specified end time will be included in the archive.
ArchiveNameStringSpecifies a display name for the archive file.
EventsBooleanIndicates whether historical event occurrence data should be archived. The default is True.
MaterialBooleanIndicates whether closed material lots and their child sublots should be archived. The default is True.
ProductionBooleanIndicates whether closed work requests and related data should be archived. The default is True.
Regulatory ComplianceBooleanIndicates whether audit and electronic signature records should be archived. The default is True.
Resource LinksBooleanIndicates whether user-created references should be archived. The default is True.
WorkflowBooleanIndicates whether workflow tracking data should be archived. The default is True.

ArchiveResponse Returns the archive result, including whether the archive failed or succeeded, and errors and messages.