Archive Management Editor

The Archive Management Editor allows you to choose the content, as well as the timr frame of the content, you want to archive.

Archive ContentDescription
Resource LinksArchives resource links. 
WorkflowArchives workflow tracking data. 
Regulatory ComplianceArchives audit and electronic signature records. 
MaterialArchives closed material lots and their child sublots that are not in-use by production data. 
ProductionArchives closed work requests and related data. 

Archives ListUser-definedDisplays a list of files that can be arranged by name and creation date.
AddN/AClick to add a new archive file.
DeleteN/AClick to delete the selected file.
NameUser-defined alphnumeric string (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) up to 50 charactersSpecifies a file name for the selected archive file.
DescriptionUser-defined alphnumeric string (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) up to 255 charactersSpecifies information about an archive file.
Archive ContentSystem-definedSelect the type of information you want to archive.
Archive Time RangeUser-definedSpecifies the last date and time for which information is archived.
Create ArchiveN/AClick to archive data and move it offline.
Archive DetailsSystem-definedDisplays the archive file name, creation, date, and size.
Note: This information is available only when you select an existing archive file.
Archive ContentSystem-definedDisplays the type of content in the archive file.
Note: This information is available only when you select an existing archive file.
Archive Time RangeSystem-definedDisplays the last date and time for the information in the archive file.
Note: This information is available only when you select an existing archive file.
Restore ArchiveN/AClick to restore the data from the selected archive.