System Protection
There are different levels of security that you can implement to protect your system. On one level, you can control the security of your machines and buildings, as well as your processes. On another level, you can implement security for your operating system and your network using firewalls, passwords, and filters.
You can also protect your data from unauthorized changes by restricting access to your system. The information in this section focuses on the security in Workflow, not your operating system or network.
Logging into Workflow requires a login name and password. Depending on your configuration, this data can be the same or separate from your Windows® login name and password. For more information on Windows login, refer to the Windows Users section.
Security is user-based, meaning operators cannot access anything unless you assign access to the specific areas.
Wokrkflow security is flexible and easy to use, allowing you to assign operator rights, login names, and passwords. Refer to Users and Groups for more information about configuring your users, groups, and key sets.