Modify the Details of a Route

About this task

This topic describes how to modify the name, description, and BOM formulation of a route. You can, however, modify these details only if you have never created a revision of the route.


  1. In the Route Editor page, select the route that you want to modify.
    The Edit Route page appears.
  2. Select .
    Note: The button is enabled only if you have never created a revision of the route.
  3. As needed, modify values as specified in the following table.
    NAMEIdentifies the name of the route. Enter a unique value that does not exceed 100 characters.
    DESCRIPTIONIdentifies the description for the route. Enter a value that does not exceed 1000 characters.
    BOM FORMULATIONIdentifies the BOM formulation that you want to use in the route. This box contains a list of BOM formulations configured for the material in Plant Applications Administrator. You can select a value.
    Note: You cannot modify values in the REVISION, PRODUCTION LINE, and MATERIAL boxes.
  4. Select Update.


The changes made to the route are saved.