Access a Route

About this task

As a supervisor, you can access the routes in the Draft, Released, and Archived states.


  1. Access Plant Applications Web Client.
  2. In the left pane, select Route Editor.
    The Route Editor page appears, displaying a list of routes that are in the draft state. The number of operations that appear in a page depends on the resolution of your computer screen. The following table provides information on each column in the table.
    STATUSThe status of the route.
    NAMEThe name of the route.
    MATERIALThe material number used in the route.
    MATERIAL DESCThe description of the material.
    PRODUCTION LINEThe name of the production to which the route belongs.
    DESCRIPTIONThe description of the route.
    LAST MODIFIEDThe date and time when the route was last modified. The date and time appear in the format mm/dd hh:mm (for example, 03/27 10:58).
    MODIFIED BYThe name of the user who has modified the route the last time.
    REVISIONThe number of times the route has been revised.
  3. Select the route whose details you want to view.
    The Edit Route window appears, displaying the list of operations in the route. You can also view the following details of the route:
    • Resources
    • BOM Items
    • Documents
    • Properties