Create a Property Definition

Before you begin

  • For an ERP application, you should create property definitions in only the default groups, Material Import, MaterialLot Import, and WorkOrder Import.
  • For Route Editor, you should create property definitions in the groups that belong to the categories that include the word Route in their names.


  1. Select .
    The Property Definition page appears, displaying a list of properties available in the Plant Applications Web Client.
  2. Select a category and an associated group for which you want to create a property definition from the CATEGORY and GROUP drop-down list boxes respectively.
  3. Select .
    A blank row appears.
  4. Enter the values as specified in the following table.
    PROPERTY NAME Denotes the name for the property. You must enter a value that is unique to a group.
    ALIAS NAMEEnter an alias for the property.
    DATA TYPESSelect a data type for the property.
    Note: A data type defines the format in which the data is stored and displayed in the application.
    DEFAULT VALUEEnter a default value for the property based on the data type.
    REQUIRED VALUESelect this check box only if you want the property to be a required value.
    PROPERTY GROUPDisplays the group name based on the selection in the GROUP drop-down list box. You cannot edit this field if you have already selected the group from the GROUP drop-down list box.
    • If you have selected a specific category from CATEGORY, you can select a group that is mapped to the selected category from this drop-down list box.
    • If you have left CATEGORY and GROUP drop-down list boxes to defaults, this drop-down list box displays a list of groups defined in the Plant Applications database. You must select the group to which you want to assign the property.
    UOMThis box contains a list of UOMs defined in the Plant Applications database. Select a unit of measurement (UOM) for the property.
  5. Select Save.
    A property definition is created. This property definition is integrated with the respective application.
    Note: To modify the property definition details, select Edit. To create another property definition with the details of the current property definition, select Copy.

What to do next

Assign a property group to a route in the Route Editor application, and then provide values for the property definition.