DISPOSITION MOD ON | The date and time at which the disposition has been created or modified. |
DISPOSITION MOD BY | The user who created or modified the disposition. |
PLAN | The plan associated with the disposition. You can select the link in this column to search for all non-conformances associated with the plan. |
SERIAL/LOT# | The material lot number or serial number that contains the defect. You can select the link in this column to search for all non-conformances associated with the serial/lot. |
WORK ORDER | The work order associated with the serial/lot. You can select the link in this column to search for all non-conformances associated with the work order. |
OP | The operation during which the defect has been identified. |
QTY | The number of defective pieces in the serial/lot. |
DISP | The type of the disposition method. |
ACTION REASON 1 | The first level of action to dispose the defect. |
VIEW | Select to access additional details of the defect. |