Configure Plant Applications Server Cluster
- If you are using Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, install the Failover Cluster Automation Server and Failover Cluster Command Interface as features for the Local Server in the Server Manager.
- Optional: Add PlantAppsRes type on all Plant Applications nodes using Command Prompt. You can perform this step using PowerShell as well.
- Register the PlantAppsResEx.dll file:
Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\PlantAppsResEx.dll" /s
- Create the PlantAppsRes Resource Type:
Cluster restype PlantAppsRes /create /dll:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\PlantAppsRes.dll" /type:PlantAppsRes /LooksAlive:5000 /IsAlive:30000
- Register the PlantAppsResEx.dll file:
- Optional: Remove PlantAppsResType. This step is not required when installing only for clean up of the server. You can perform this step using PowerShell as well.
- Delete the PlantAppsRes Resource type:
Cluster restype PlantAppsRes /delete /type
- Unregister PlantAppsRes type:
Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\PlantAppsResEx.dll" /u /s
# Unregister Extension Dll #Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\PlantAppsResEx.dll" /u /s # Delete Cluster Resource Type #remove-clusterresourcetype ` # -cluster PRA-CLS01 ` # -name PlantAppsRes # Register Extension Dll Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\PlantAppsResEx.dll" /s # Configure Resource Type add-clusterresourcetype ` -cluster PRA-CLS01 ` -name PlantAppsRes ` -Dll "C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\PlantAppsRes.dll" #Confirm that PlantAppsRes type exists get-clusterresourcetype
- Run the Plant Applications Cluster Configurator (C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\Proficy\Proficy Server\Server\ClusterConfigurator.exe)
- Delete the PlantAppsRes Resource type: