Before you begin
- You must have SQL Server 2016 (64-bit) or later for upgrading Plant Applications Server from earlier Plant Applications versions and existing PlantApplications Database compatibility must be greater than or equal to 130.
- Delete the existing Message Bridge configuration file located at <Plant Applications installation folder>\Proficy Server\RabbitMQMessageBridgeService\Proficy.PlantApps.MessageBridge.Service.exe. This is because installing Plant Applications does not replace the old configuration file with the new one.
- Run the
SQL script.
About this task
Note: If upgrading from a version of Plant Applications earlier than 7.0 SP5, contact Support to uninstall Plant Applications components.
- Go to .
- Add the following roles:
- Go to and select the HTTP Redirection check box.
- Go to and select the Basic Authentication, URL Authorization and Windows Authentication check boxes.
- Add the following feature:
- Go to and select the HTTP Activation feature.
- From the Windows Start menu, select .
- Optional: If you have installed Service Packs or SIMs from Plant Applications, from REGISTRY (regedit.exe), you must manually remove SIM entries from the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
- Upgrade the Proficy license keys to include:
- Plant Applications 8.1
- Historian 8.1
- SOA/Workflow 2.6 SP1
- Stop Proficy License Manager and Proficy Server Manager to upgrade.
- In the Install Proficy Plant Applications 8.1 window, select Proficy Application Server.
The Proficy Application Server (Workflow 2.6 SP1) page appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade the client and the application server.
- In the Install Proficy Plant Applications 8.1 window, select Plant Application Server, and then follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade the Plant Applications server. For instructions, refer to Installing the Plant Applications Server.
- In the Install Proficy Plant Applications 8.1 window, select Plant Applications Report Server, and then follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade the report server. For instructions, refer to Installing the Plant Applications Report Server.
Note: For binding HTTPS with the fully-qualified domain name to a certificate, refer to
Binding HTTPS.
- In the Install Proficy Plant Applications 8.1 window, select Plant Applications Client. For instructions, refer to Installing the Plant Applications Web Client.
- Start the SQL Server Agent service manually.