Verify the following things to confirm that Plant Applications has been set up on a clustered environment:
- Log files and buffer files are stored on a shared drive.
- All services are creating log files with the cluster node as follows: <CLUSTER NODE NAME>_EventMgr-XX.log
- Plant Application Manager must not control Plant Applications Services. In Plant Applications log (high debug), the following records must exist:
Adding Service to monitor. [Name=PREventMgr] [ServiceId=4] [AllowRestarting=0] [AutoStart=0] [AutoStop=0] [StartCheck=15] [StopCheck=15] [RestartWaitTime=5] [ServiceName=EventMgr] [RestartNonResponding=0] [IsClustered=-1]
Note: AllowRestarting and IsClustered is automatically set when services run as PlantAppsRes type. - The defined failover rules work.