Secure Socket Layer and Certificate Requirements
The Plant Applications Report Server requires a valid IIS server certificate to work in SSL mode. When you install and access the Report Server across different machines, the certificate should be validated across machines and preferably signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) known to these machines.
During Report Server installation, the Self-Signed certificate is generated and installed with hostname or sitename, by default. If needed, it can be changed to a signed certificate from a trusted CA.
Following are the steps to install SSL certificate signed by the CA.
- Perform the instructions for Importing, Completing a Certificate Request, and so on, provided by CA.
- From the Windows Start menu, select
- Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- In the Connections, select your IIS Home page (Computer Name).
- Scroll down to IIS section, and then double-click Server Certificates.
- Verify that the certificates are installed.
- In the Connections, expand IIS Home page
(Computer Name), and then expand Sites.
- Select Default Web Site.
- In the right pane, select Bindings from the Actions list.
- Select https binding type. Add or Edit the https binding type.
- Select the SSL Certificate you want to use from the drop down list.
- Select OK and close IIS Manager.
- Open command prompt window in the administrator's mode, and execute the command: